Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractCommand

Uses of AbstractCommand in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain

Subclasses of AbstractCommand in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
 class AssignActionListenersCommand
           Iterates over the action listeners defined in the ComponentBean invoking CreateActionListenerCommand.
 class AssignChildrenCommand
           Iterates over the child ElementBean collection of a ComponentBean, and invokes the CreateComponentCommand for each.
 class AssignConverterCommand
           Determines if the ComponentBean has a ConverterBean assigned.
 class AssignPropertiesCommand
           Sets the UIComponent properties using the attributes collection of AttributeBean by invoking the Globals.SET_ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND_NAME Chain.
 class AssignValidatorsCommand
           If the ComponentBean has a ValidatorBean assigned, the CreateValidatorCommand is invoked.
 class AssignValueChangeListenersCommand
           For each ValueChangeListenerBean in the valueChangeListeners collection, the CreateValueChangeListenerCommand command will be invoked.
 class AssignViewRootCommand
          This Command assigns properties to an existing UIViewRoot.
 class CreateActionListenerCommand
           This Command will create a ActonListener and assign it to the parent.
 class CreateComponentCommand
           This Command is used to build parent and child UIComponent's from the displayElement in the ClayContext.
 class CreateConverterCommand
           This Command will create a Converter from the displayElement attribute of the ClayContext assigning it to the parent.
 class CreateValidatorCommand
           Creates an object implementing the Validator interface and assigns it to the parent from the ClayContext.
 class CreateValueChangeListenerCommand
           Creates a ValueChangeListener and assign it to the parent property in the ClayContext.
 class PropertyActionCommand
           This Command will create an action method binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the ActionSource interface.
 class PropertyActionListenerCommand
           This Command will create an actionListener method binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the ActionSource interface.
 class PropertyConverterCommand
           This Command will create an converter value binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the ValueHolder interface.
 class PropertyValidatorCommand
           This Command will create an validator method binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the EditableValueHolder interface.
 class PropertyValueChangeListenerCommand
           This Command will create an ValueChangeListener method binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the EditableValueHolder interface.
 class PropertyValueCommand
           This is the catch all Command to handle all attributes that are not an "action", "actionListener", "validator" and "valueChangeListener".

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