Uses of Class

Packages that use ElementBean

Uses of ElementBean in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans

Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans with parameters of type ElementBean
 void ComponentBean.addChild(ElementBean obj)
          Adds a child ElementBean to the children set and fixes up the composition parent relationship.

Uses of ElementBean in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder

Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder that return ElementBean
 ElementBean JsfDefaultBuilder.createElement(Node node)
          Factory method that creates a ElementBean from a Node.
 ElementBean ElementBuilder.createElement(Node node)
          This method is overridden to look for a renderId attribute in the Node.
 ElementBean Builder.createElement(Node node)
           Factory method that creates a ElementBean from a Node.

Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder with parameters of type ElementBean
protected  void JsfDefaultBuilder.addActionListener(Node node, ElementBean target)
protected  void ElementBuilder.addActionListener(Node node, ElementBean target)
          Adds an ActionListenerBean to the target ElementBean using the Node as the input source.
protected  void JsfDefaultBuilder.addAttribute(Node node, ElementBean target)
          Adds markup <f:attribute> to the target ElementBean.
protected  void JsfDefaultBuilder.addConverter(Node node, ElementBean target)
protected  void ElementBuilder.addConverter(Node node, ElementBean target)
          Adds a ConverterBean to the target ElementBean using the Node as the input source.
protected  void JsfDefaultBuilder.addFacet(Node node, ElementBean target)
          Adds markup <f:facet> to the target's child ElementBean.
protected  void JsfDefaultBuilder.addSymbol(Node node, ElementBean target)
          Adds markup <clay:symbol> to the target ElementBean.
protected  void ElementBuilder.addSymbols(Node symbolsNode, ElementBean target)
          Adds markup symbols to the target ElementBean.
protected  void JsfDefaultBuilder.addValidator(Node node, ElementBean target)
protected  void ElementBuilder.addValidator(Node node, ElementBean target)
          Adds a ValidatorBean to the target ElementBean using the Node as the input source.
protected  void JsfDefaultBuilder.addValueChangeListener(Node node, ElementBean target)
protected  void ElementBuilder.addValueChangeListener(Node node, ElementBean target)
          Adds a ActionListenerBean to the target ElementBean using the Node as the input source.
protected  void ElementBuilder.assignNode(Node node, ElementBean target)
           This method resolves the jsfid attribute for an HTML element to a component definition in the XML configuration files.
protected  void Builder.assignNode(Node node, ElementBean target)
           This method resolves the jsfid attribute for an HTML element to a component definition in the XML configuration files.
 void Builder.encode(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
           The call that begins the conversion of a Node to a ComponentBean.
protected  void VerbatimBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
           Calls to the super implementation to populate the target ElementBean and then sets the value attribute to the raw text of the html node.
protected  void SelectOneMenuBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
          Remove any child nodes that are not "option" nodes.
protected  void SelectManyMenuBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
          Remove any child nodes that are not "option" nodes.
protected  void SelectItemBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
           The default for a single option is to look at the next html node to find the label.
protected  void OutputLinkBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
          Calls super to populate the target config bean with the html node's values.
protected  void JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
          Calls super to populate the target config bean with the html node's values.
protected  void JsfDefaultBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
          Build's a target ElementBean from a Node.
protected  void IgnoreBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
          Builds a outputText component.
protected  void ElementBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
          Handles converting markup resembling the <element> node in the clay DTD,, to the target ElementBean.
protected  void CommentBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
          The super implementation is invoked to build a target ElementBean.
protected  void Builder.encodeBegin(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
           Called to being building a ElementBean from a Node.
protected  void Builder.encodeChildren(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
           Recursively builds the clay meta component data from the parse document of Node's.
protected  void VerbatimBuilder.encodeEnd(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
           If the html node is well-formed, the create a ending html tag using another verbatim ElementBean.
protected  void InputTextBuilder.encodeEnd(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
           The default for this builder is that builder will handle the children html nodes meaning that the default should be true.
protected  void CommentBuilder.encodeEnd(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
          This override cancels the super implementation.
protected  void Builder.encodeEnd(Node node, ElementBean target, ComponentBean root)
           This call is invoked for any final processing.
protected  boolean SelectItemsBuilder.getBuildNodeBody(Node node, ElementBean target)
          Returns true by default meaning that the parent will render children.
protected  boolean SelectItemBuilder.getBuildNodeBody(Node node, ElementBean target)
          Returns true by default meaning that the parent will render children.
protected  boolean JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder.getBuildNodeBody(Node node, ElementBean target)
          This builder handles converting the nodes's children.
protected  boolean CommentBuilder.getBuildNodeBody(Node node, ElementBean target)
          This method is overridden to return a true value indicating that this Builder will handle child nodes under the associated HTML Node.
protected  boolean Builder.getBuildNodeBody(Node node, ElementBean target)
           Returns true if the builder handles converting the node's children or false if it's handled by the parent.

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