AbstractBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
Abstract class that provides a description property that is populated from the clay configuration file when design time tool support is enabled.
AbstractBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AbstractBean
AbstractCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
The base class for the commands that create the component tree.
AbstractCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
accept(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigDefinitionsWatchdogFilter
Trigger reloading of the Clay's xml configuration files if the org.apache.shale.clay.AUTO_RELOAD_CONFIG_FILES init parameter is set to true in the web.xml.
ActionListenerBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This meta component will be used to construct a JSF ActionListener.
ActionListenerBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ActionListenerBean
ADD_ACTION_LISTENER_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
This command is invoked to add a actionListener to a component that implements the ActionSource interface.
ADD_COMPONENT_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The command name used to add a component.
ADD_CONVERTER_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
This command is invoked to add a converter to a component implementing the ValueHolder interface.
ADD_VALIDATOR_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
This command is invoked to add a validator to a component implementing the EditableValueHolder interface.
ADD_VALUE_CHANGE_LISTENER_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
This command is invoked to add a valueChangeListener to a component that implements the EditableValueHolder interface.
addActionListener(ActionListenerBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Adds an ActionListenerBean to the actionListeners set.
addActionListener(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Adds an ActionListenerBean to the target ElementBean using the Node as the input source.
addActionListener(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
addAttribute(AttributeBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Adds a AttributeBean to the attributes Map collection where the name property is the key identifier in the value pair relationship.
addAttribute(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Adds markup <f:attribute> to the target ElementBean.
addAttributes(Node, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Looks for <set/> nodes within a <attributes> node and converting them to AttributeBean's on the target ComponentBean.
addChild(ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Adds a child ElementBean to the children set and fixes up the composition parent relationship.
addChild(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Adds a {link ComponentBean} to the displayElement map collection using the jsfid as the key.
addChild(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Adds a child node to the children collection.
addConverter(ConverterBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Adds a ConverterBean and assigns the composition parent.
addConverter(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Adds a ConverterBean to the target ElementBean using the Node as the input source.
addConverter(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
addFacet(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Adds markup <f:facet> to the target's child ElementBean.
addSymbol(SymbolBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Adds a symbol identified by the SymbolBean to the symbols collection.
addSymbol(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Adds markup <clay:symbol> to the target ElementBean.
addSymbols(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Adds markup symbols to the target ElementBean.
addValidator(ValidatorBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Adds a ValidatorBean and assigns the composition parent.
addValidator(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Adds a ValidatorBean to the target ElementBean using the Node as the input source.
addValidator(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
addValidatorVar(Node, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Looks for <s:validatorVar/> nodes within a <s:commonsValidator> node and converting them to AttributeBean's on the target ComponentBean.
addValueChangeListener(ValueChangeListenerBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Adds a ValueChangeListenerBean to the set where each instance is uniquely identified by jsfid.
addValueChangeListener(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Adds a ActionListenerBean to the target ElementBean using the Node as the input source.
addValueChangeListener(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
AnchorBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
AnchorBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.AnchorBuilderRule
AssignActionListenersCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
Iterates over the action listeners defined in the ComponentBean invoking CreateActionListenerCommand.
AssignActionListenersCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignActionListenersCommand
assignAttributes(Node, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
This method applies the HTML attribute overrides to the declarative component, an object representation of the XML configuration.
assignAttributes(Node, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.VerbatimBuilder
Skip the processing of attributes for a verbatim node.
AssignChildrenCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
Iterates over the child ElementBean collection of a ComponentBean, and invokes the CreateComponentCommand for each.
AssignChildrenCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignChildrenCommand
AssignConverterCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
Determines if the ComponentBean has a ConverterBean assigned.
AssignConverterCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignConverterCommand
assignNode(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
This method resolves the jsfid attribute for an HTML element to a component definition in the XML configuration files.
assignNode(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
This method resolves the jsfid attribute for an HTML element to a component definition in the XML configuration files.
assignParent(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Called to assign the IsA parent to the ComponentBean using the extends attribute.
assignParent(ComponentBean) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
Sets the isA parent's for a ComponentBean.
AssignPropertiesCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
Sets the UIComponent properties using the attributes collection of AttributeBean by invoking the Globals.SET_ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND_NAME Chain.
AssignPropertiesCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignPropertiesCommand
AssignValidatorsCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
If the ComponentBean has a ValidatorBean assigned, the CreateValidatorCommand is invoked.
AssignValidatorsCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignValidatorsCommand
AssignValueChangeListenersCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
For each ValueChangeListenerBean in the valueChangeListeners collection, the CreateValueChangeListenerCommand command will be invoked.
AssignValueChangeListenersCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignValueChangeListenersCommand
AssignViewRootCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This Command assigns properties to an existing UIViewRoot.
AssignViewRootCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignViewRootCommand
AttributeBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
Represents a value for a component property or a tag attribute.
AttributeBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Attributes - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
Normalize the case of a String key to lower case making the collection case insensitive.
Attributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.Attributes
AttributeTokenizer - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser
Tokenizes a portion of the document for attributes.
AttributeTokenizer(StringBuffer, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.AttributeTokenizer
Overloaded constructor that is passed the complete document and the starting and ending offset of the node body within the document.
AUTO_RELOAD_CLAY_FILES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The name of the initialization parameter defined in the web deployment descriptor that's value will determine if the configuration files defined by CLAY_CONFIG_FILES will be watched for changes.


BEGIN_CDATA_RULES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Declare an array of Parser.Rules that validate a begin CDATA Token.
BEGIN_COMMENT_TAG_RULES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Declare an array of Parser.Rules that validate a begin comment Token.
BEGIN_TAG_RULES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Declare an array of Parser.Rules that validate a begining Token.
BINDING_TYPE_EARLY - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
This code means that if the attribute value contains an expression, it will be evalutated before populating the component.
BINDING_TYPE_METHOD - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Mnemonic the signifies the a method binding expression.
BINDING_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
This constant indicates that the attribute value will be passed as its literal value and no attempt to evaluate a contained expression will be preformed.
BINDING_TYPE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Mnemonic that signifies a value binding expression.
Builder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
The abstract document node converter handles building meta components, ComponentBean, for a parsed html document fragment.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
BUILDER_CATALOG_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The catalog name used by BuilderFactory to define the rules that map an HTML element to a Builder.
BUILDER_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The config file used by the BuilderFactory to assemble the rule finder chain.
BuilderFactory - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This is an abstract factory that returns a Builder mapped to a Node.
BuilderRuleContext - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This context is used by the BuilderFactory to invoke the Globals.FIND_BUILDER_COMMAND_NAME chain passing this context.
BuilderRuleContext() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.BuilderRuleContext
buildNode(Token) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
This is a factory method that builds a Node from a Token.


calculateLocale(FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
calculateRenderKitId(FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
captureComment(Node, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.CommentBuilder
Recursively traverses the children of the HTML Node concatenating the raw text of each Token into the commentBody.
captureComment(Node, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.IgnoreBuilder
Recursively traverses the children of the HTML Node concatenating the raw text of each Token into the commentBody.
checkCircularInheritance(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Passed a ComponentBean, the method looks for several types of circular inheritances.
checkTree(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Recursively walks the tree of component metadata verifying there is not a duplicate component id within a naming container.
checkTree(List, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Verifies there is not a duplicate component id within a naming container.
checkTree(ComponentBean) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
Verifies there is not a duplicate component id within a naming container.
CLASSPATH_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
Configuration file prefix, "classpath*:", denotes that the resource should be loaded from the class path versus the context root.
Clay - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component
This component grafts a subview onto the current JSF view.
Clay() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
CLAY_CATALOG_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The default catalog name used to configure the chain workflow for building the clay subtree from a object graph of metadata.
CLAY_COMMON_CONFIG_FILES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
Name of the initialization parameter in the web deployment descriptor containing additional registered configuration files.
CLAY_CONFIG_FILES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
CLAY_CUSTOM_BUILDER_XMLNS - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The request scope key that will be populated with the unknow namespace when parsing an HTML document.
CLAY_CUSTOMIZATION_CATALOG_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The customization catalog name used to configure the chain workflow for building the clay subtree from a object graph of metadata.
CLAY_DEFAULT_HTML_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The default full html view template suffix identifier if one is not specified.
CLAY_DEFAULT_XML_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The default full XML template view suffix identifier if one is not specified.
CLAY_FULL_VIEW_RESTORE_IND - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The key value used as a reqest scope indicator to determine a view has been restored.
CLAY_FULL_VIEW_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The key value used to cache the original view suffix in request scope for full clay views.
CLAY_FULLXML_CONFIG_FILES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
Name of the initialization parameter in the web deployment descriptor containing additional registered configuration files.
CLAY_HTML_CHARSET - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The name of the initializtion parameter in the web deployment descriptor that defines the default charset for all html templates.
CLAY_HTML_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The name of the initialization parameter defined in the web deployment descriptor that's value will define a suffix identifier used by the TemplateConfigBean.
CLAY_JSPID_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The key value used to store clay's version of the jspid.
CLAY_RESERVED_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The clay component attribute name that will capture the ComponentBean representing the root of the subtree.
CLAY_RESOURCE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The config file used by Clay component to load the ADD_COMPONENT_COMMAND_NAME from the CLAY_CATALOG_NAME.
CLAY_XML_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The name of the initialization parameter defined in the web deployment descriptor that's value will define a suffix identifier used by the TemplateComponentConfigBean.
ClayAmalgam - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.utils
This class is a mix of runtime utilities for the Clay component.
ClayAmalgam() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.ClayAmalgam
ClayConfigParser - Interface in org.apache.shale.clay.config
This interfaces is used by a ConfigBean instance to load a configuration file.
ClayConfigureListener - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config
This context listener is responsible for loading the clay configuration files on application startup.
ClayConfigureListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayConfigureListener
ClayContext - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This context is passed to all the commands in this package used to create the sub component tree for the clay component.
ClayContext() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
clayForEach(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.ClayAmalgam
This is a method binding "validator" signature that can be bound to the shapeValidator attribute of the Clay component.
clayImport(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.ClayAmalgam
This is a method binding "validator" signature that can be bound to the shapeValidator attribute of the Clay component.
ClayNamespaceBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This class defines the rules that bind HTML Node's resembling the Clay DTD into corresponding Builder's.
ClayNamespaceBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.ClayNamespaceBuilderRule
clayOut(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.ClayAmalgam
This is a method binding "validator" signature that can be bound to the shapeValidator attribute of the Clay component.
ClayTag - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.taglib
JSP Tag for the Clay component.
ClayTag() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
ClayTagValidator - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.taglib
Validates the JSP page for the clay namespace, "http://shale.apache.org/shale/clay-plugin".
ClayTagValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTagValidator
ClayTemplateParser - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config
This class is responsible for loading an HTML template into a graph of ComponentBean's that represents a JSF component tree.
ClayTemplateParser() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayTemplateParser
ClayViewHandler - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.faces
This ViewHandler will handle full HTML template views using the Clay component as the single subtree under the view root.
ClayViewHandler(ViewHandler) - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
This is an overloaded constructor passing the original view handler.
ClayViewHandlerCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.faces
This is a Shale "preprocess" command that should be registered with the shale chains catalog.
ClayViewHandlerCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandlerCommand
ClayXmlParser - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config
This class loads the configuration files defining page fragments and caches a graph of beans in application scope.
ClayXmlParser() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayXmlParser
clear(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Cleans up before a group of files are reloaded.
clear(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
If the watchDogName equals the ComponentBean that defines the selected template, remove it.
CommandButtonBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
Builds a command button ElementBean object from a Node.
CommandButtonBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.CommandButtonBuilder
CommentBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder will render a HTML Node as an HTML comment.
CommentBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.CommentBuilder
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
This Comparable implementation makes the jsfid attribute the unique identifier for the object in a set.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Implementation of the Comparable interface.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ElementBean
This is an override of the ComponentBean making the renderId the ordering identifier instead of the jsfid.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.SymbolBean
This implementation of the Comparable interface makes the name property the compared key.
ComponentBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This is the base class of most of the metadata that is used by the Clay component to build a component subtree.
ComponentBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
ComponentConfigBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This class is kind of the metadata object pool for configuration data loaded from XML files on startup in the ClayConfigureListener by the ClayXmlParser.
ComponentConfigBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Constructor initializes the displayElements collection.
ComponentConfigBean.WatchDog - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This inner class watches for changes in a array of ConfigBean.ConfigDefinition's.
ComponentConfigBean.WatchDog(ConfigBean.ConfigDefinition[], String) - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean.WatchDog
Overloaded constructor that is passed the configuration file definitions as a parameter.
ComponentConfigBean.XmlConfigDef - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This class defines a single configration file that is watched for changes.
ComponentConfigBean.XmlConfigDef(URL) - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean.XmlConfigDef
Overloaded constructor that requires the target config URL.
ConfigBean - Interface in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This interfaces should be implemented by a object pool that is registered with the ConfigBeanFactory.
ConfigBean.ConfigDefinition - Interface in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
Top-level interface that defines a single configuration file entry.
ConfigBeanFactory - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This is an abstract factory that contains a ordered collection of object pools ConfigBean.
ConfigDefinitionsWatchdogFilter - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This is the timing mechanism for looking for modified Clay templates and configuration files.
ConfigDefinitionsWatchdogFilter() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigDefinitionsWatchdogFilter
configureRules() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayXmlParser
This method is called once to register the object binding rules with the Digester instance.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.Attributes
Make the key case insensitive.
context - Variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Reference to the ServletContext.
contextDestroyed(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayConfigureListener
Tear down the factories and clean house.
contextInitialized(ServletContextEvent) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayConfigureListener
Loads the configuration files on startup into an instance of ComponentConfigBean.
ConverterBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This meta component will be used to construct a JSF Converter.
ConverterBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConverterBean
CreateActionListenerCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This Command will create a ActonListener and assign it to the parent.
CreateActionListenerCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateActionListenerCommand
createAttribute(AttributeBean, String, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Factory method that creates a AttributeBean from the original replacing the value.
CreateComponentCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This Command is used to build parent and child UIComponent's from the displayElement in the ClayContext.
CreateComponentCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateComponentCommand
CreateConverterCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This Command will create a Converter from the displayElement attribute of the ClayContext assigning it to the parent.
CreateConverterCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateConverterCommand
createElement(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Factory method that creates a ElementBean from a Node.
createElement(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
This method is overridden to look for a renderId attribute in the Node.
createElement(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Factory method that creates a ElementBean from a Node.
CreateValidatorCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
Creates an object implementing the Validator interface and assigns it to the parent from the ClayContext.
CreateValidatorCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateValidatorCommand
CreateValueChangeListenerCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
Creates a ValueChangeListener and assign it to the parent property in the ClayContext.
CreateValueChangeListenerCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateValueChangeListenerCommand
createView(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
This method is overridden to check to see if the target view is a clay html or xml template.


decode(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.ClayAmalgam
Decodes a string value using the decodeMap.
DEFAULT_CLAY_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The default subview configuration file containing the base supported components.
DEFAULT_COMPONENT_CONFIG_WATCHDOG - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The Map key used by the ComponentConfigBean to identify the ComponentConfigBean.WatchDog for the XML configuration files.
DefaultBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This is a Command implementation that will match a HTML Node with a matching Builder implementation.
DefaultBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.DefaultBuilderRule
describeRelationships(Stack) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Returns a StringBuffer with an xpath like expression of jsfid that describes the Stack of ComponentBean.
destroy() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
The destroy method is invoked to clean up resources.
destroy() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean.WatchDog
This method is invoked to dereference the private array of config file definitions.
destroy() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
This method is invoked with the application is unloaded.
destroy() - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBeanFactory
Invoked by the context listener ClayConfigureListener on application shutdown to clean up cached resources.
DirectiveBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This builder will be ordered first in the rule registration list.
DirectiveBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.DirectiveBuilderRule
discoverNodeAttributes(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
If the Node is a starting tag and not a comment, use the AttributeTokenizer to realize the node attributes.
discoverNodeName(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Extracts the node name from the Token if the Node is a starting or ending tag.
discoverNodeOverrides(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Explicitly sets the isEnd Node property to true for self terminating tags.
discoverNodeShape(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Determine if the Node is a starting, ending, or body text tag.
displayElements - Variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Collection holding all the top-level components defined in the XML config files.
DOCTYPE_TAG_RULES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Declare an array of Parser.Rules that validate document type Token.
doStartTag() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.SymbolTag
Finds the parent component and adds the symbol to the Clay component's symbol table.


ElementBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This bean represents the composition of a complex component.
ElementBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ElementBean
ElementBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This class handles building the ElementBean's from the html markup resembling the <attributes> node in the clay DTD, http://shale.apache.org/dtds/clay-config_1_0.dtd.
ElementBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
encode(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
The call that begins the conversion of a Node to a ComponentBean.
encode(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.ClayAmalgam
Encodes a string value using the encodeMap.
encodeBegin(FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
This is where the clay component loads the root ComponentBean by calling the getRootElement() method or while invoking the shapeValidator callback event.
encodeBegin(FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.LoadBundle
Invokes rendering of the component.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Called to being building a ElementBean from a Node.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.CommentBuilder
The super implementation is invoked to build a target ElementBean.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Handles converting markup resembling the <element> node in the clay DTD, http://shale.apache.org/dtds/clay-config_1_0.dtd, to the target ElementBean.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.IgnoreBuilder
Builds a outputText component.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Build's a target ElementBean from a Node.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder
Calls super to populate the target config bean with the html node's values.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.OutputLinkBuilder
Calls super to populate the target config bean with the html node's values.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectItemBuilder
The default for a single option is to look at the next html node to find the label.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectManyMenuBuilder
Remove any child nodes that are not "option" nodes.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectOneMenuBuilder
Remove any child nodes that are not "option" nodes.
encodeBegin(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.VerbatimBuilder
Calls to the super implementation to populate the target ElementBean and then sets the value attribute to the raw text of the html node.
encodeChildren(FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Called by JSF, this method delegates to recursiveRenderChildren.
encodeChildren(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Recursively builds the clay meta component data from the parse document of Node's.
encodeEnd(FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Called by JSF, this method simply emits a logging statement if tracing is enabled.
encodeEnd(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
This call is invoked for any final processing.
encodeEnd(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.CommentBuilder
This override cancels the super implementation.
encodeEnd(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.InputTextBuilder
The default for this builder is that builder will handle the children html nodes meaning that the default should be true.
encodeEnd(Node, ElementBean, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.VerbatimBuilder
If the html node is well-formed, the create a ending html tag using another verbatim ElementBean.
END_CDATA_RULES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Declare an array of Parser.Rules that validate an end CDATA Token.
END_CHARSET_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
The end of the comment token used to override the template encoding type.
END_COMMENT_TAG_RULES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Declare an array of Parser.Rules that validate an end comment Token.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
This method comes from the Command interfaces.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignActionListenersCommand
This Command will use the ClayContext to invoke the Globals.ADD_ACTION_LISTENER_COMMAND_NAME.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignChildrenCommand
This Command iterates over the ComponentBean children collection and invokes the Globals.ADD_COMPONENT_COMMAND_NAME for each ElementBean.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignConverterCommand
Checks to see if the ComponentBean has a ConverterBean assigned.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignPropertiesCommand
Invokes a chain that fires several Commands.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignValidatorsCommand
Executes the CreateValidatorCommand using the Globals.ADD_VALIDATOR_COMMAND_NAME command to create a Validator.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignValueChangeListenersCommand
Uses the Globals.ADD_VALUE_CHANGE_LISTENER_COMMAND_NAME command to create a ValueChangeListener.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AssignViewRootCommand
If the target componentType is "javax.faces.ViewRoot", assign the property overrides is present.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateActionListenerCommand
Uses the ClayContext to build a ActionListener and assign it to the context parent using the context displayElement that is derived from type ComponentBean.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateComponentCommand
Creates a new faces component from the component metadata.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateConverterCommand
Creates a object instance realizing the Converter interface assigning to the parent.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateValidatorCommand
Creates a faces validator object that is registered in the faces-config.xml file and assigns it to the parent.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.CreateValueChangeListenerCommand
Creates a ValueChangeListener and assigns it to the parent attribute.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyActionCommand
Looks to see if the AttributeBean on the ClayContext is a action attribute.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyActionListenerCommand
Looks to see if the AttributeBean on the ClayContext is a actionListener attribute.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyConverterCommand
Looks to see if the AttributeBean on the ClayContext is a converter attribute.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyValidatorCommand
Looks to see if the AttributeBean on the ClayContext is a validator attribute.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyValueChangeListenerCommand
Looks to see if the AttributeBean on the ClayContext is a valueChangeListener attribute.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyValueCommand
Looks at the AttributeBean on the ClayContext to see if the value is a binding EL.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigDefinitionsWatchdogFilter
Perform the matching algorithm against the value returned by the value() method.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandlerCommand
Looks at the request uri to determine if the target page is a clay template.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.AnchorBuilderRule
Uses the BuilderRuleContext to find the current html Node.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.ClayNamespaceBuilderRule
Maps matching html Node's to corresponding builders.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.DefaultBuilderRule
Uses the BuilderRuleContext to find the current html Node.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.DirectiveBuilderRule
If the node has a jsfid attribute, and its value is "ignore", child elements will be rendered as comment/verbatim content.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.FormBuilderRule
Uses the BuilderRuleContext to find the current html Node.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.InputBuilderRule
If the html Node is a input element, return the correct builder.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.JsfDefaultBuilderRule
Assigns handling of the markup to JsfDefaultBuilder without condition.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.LabelBuilderRule
If the html Node is a label, return return the OutputLabelBuilder and complete the chain by returning a true value.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.OptionBuilderRule
Returns a true value if the current html Node is an option.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.SelectBuilderRule
Returns true if a match was made from a select Node to a SelectOneMenuBuilder or a SelectManyMenuBuilder.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.SpanBuilderRule
Returns a true value, ending the chain execution if the html Node has a jsfid html attribute and is a span HTML element.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.TextareaBuilderRule
Returns false if the html Node was not a textarea.
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.FalseLookupCommand
execute(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.PluggableLookupCommand
Adds an additional check to determine if the catalog name is loaded.


FalseLookupCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.utils
Very similar to the LookupCommand of commons chain, but the execute method return always false to continue the processing.
FalseLookupCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.FalseLookupCommand
FIND_DEFAULT_BUILDER_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
Command name in the BUILDER_CATALOG_NAME used to invoke a command chain of rule commands that locates a Builder for the default namespace.
FIND_UNKNOWN_BUILDER_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
Command name in the BUILDER_CATALOG_NAME used to invoke a command chain of rule commands that locates a Builder for a unknown namespace.
findBeginingNode(Node, Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
findConfig(String) - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBeanFactory
This method will return a ConfigBean that can be used to return component metadata.
FORM_MARKERS - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
HTML form markers for client side state saving for MyFaces and Sun RI implementations.
FormBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
Builds a form ElementBean from a HTML Node.
FormBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.FormBuilder
FormBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This rule has an implied mapping meaning that all html form nodes will map to the FormBuilder regardless if the html form attribute has a jsfid.
FormBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.FormBuilderRule


generateElement(URL, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayTemplateParser
Loads the template file and parses it into a composition of metadata that's used by the Clay component.
get(Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.Attributes
Make the key case insensitive.
getActionListenerIterator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns an Iterator for the actionListeners set of ActionListenerBean.
getActionListeners() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a Collection of ActionListenerBean.
getActionURL(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
If the viewId is suffixed with the Clay template suffix, rewrite the returned actionUrl with a clay suffix.
getAllowBody() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
This property only applies when using the Clay template features.
getAsObject(FacesContext, UIComponent, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.StringArrayConverter
Converts the value into a string array using the element delimiter and element separator.
getAsObject(FacesContext, UIComponent, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.TimeZoneConverter
Converts the string zone ID into a TimeZone object.
getAssociations(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Walks up the hasA parent chain looking for circular relationships.
getAsString(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.StringArrayConverter
Converts a string array into a value delimited string.
getAsString(FacesContext, UIComponent, Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.TimeZoneConverter
Converts a TimeZone object into the string zone id.
getAttribute() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Gets the current attribute for each in AssignPropertiesCommand.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a AttributeBean by the classes name property.
getAttributeIterator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
This inner class provides implementation for an Iterator handeling AttributeBean objects in the attributes collection.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns the a Map collection of AttributeBean objects.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns a Map collection of node attributes.
getBeginOffset() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Token
Beginning offset of the token within the document.
getBindingType() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Returns a String that indicates the binding type for the attribute.
getBuilder(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayTemplateParser
Returns the Builder that is assigned the task of converting the html node to a corresponding component metadata used to construct a JSF resource.
getBuilder(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Returns the Builder that is assigned the task of converting the html node to a corresponding component metadata used to construct a JSF resource.
getBuilder() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.BuilderRuleContext
Returns the target Builder.
getBuilder(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Returns the Builder that is assigned the task of converting the html node to a corresponding component metadata used to construct a JSF resource.
getBuildNodeBody(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Returns true if the builder handles converting the node's children or false if it's handled by the parent.
getBuildNodeBody(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.CommentBuilder
This method is overridden to return a true value indicating that this Builder will handle child nodes under the associated HTML Node.
getBuildNodeBody(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder
This builder handles converting the nodes's children.
getBuildNodeBody(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectItemBuilder
Returns true by default meaning that the parent will render children.
getBuildNodeBody(Node, ElementBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectItemsBuilder
Returns true by default meaning that the parent will render children.
getCatalog() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
Returns the Catalog with a name of Globals.CLAY_CATALOG_NAME in the Globals.CLAY_RESOURCE_NAME configuration file.
getCatalog() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Loads the chains config using the resource defined by config file Globals.CLAY_RESOURCE_NAME.
getCatalog() - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.BuilderFactory
Returns catalog Globals.BUILDER_CATALOG_NAME from file Globals.BUILDER_RESOURCE_NAME.
getCharacterEncoding(URL) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayTemplateParser
Returns the encoding type used to open the templateURL.
getChild() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Returns a child component that can be a UIComponent, Validator, Listener or Converter.
getChildIndex() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Returns the index at which a new component must be added in the list of childs.
getChildren() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a set of children that are instances of ElementBean.
getChildren() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns a List of child nodes.
getChildrenIterator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a Iterator to the children set.
getClayJsfid() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Returns the unique identifier used to build the component subtree.
getComponentType() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns the component type that is used to instantiate the associated JSF component.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Returns the faces component type registered in the faces configuration or the fully qualified class name for ActionListeners and ValueChangeListeners.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.CommandButtonBuilder
The JSF componentType that is registered in the faces configuration giving a logical name to a JSF javax.faces.HtmlCommandButton component.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Returns the componentType from the target HTML Node.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.FormBuilder
Returns the JSF componentType of javax.faces.HtmlForm to populate the ElementBean.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.InputTextareaBuilder
Returns the JSF componentType of javax.faces.HtmlInputTextarea used to define the ElementBean from the HTML Node.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.InputTextBuilder
Returns the JSF componentType of javax.faces.HtmlInputTextarea used to define the ElementBean from the HTML Node.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder
Returns the JSF component type of org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay that will populate the componentType property of the ElementBean being created.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.MorphBuilder
Returns a bogus componentType that is overridden by the mapped component using the jsfid as an HTML attribute.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.OutputLabelBuilder
Returns the JSF component type of javax.faces.HtmlOutputLabel that will populate the ElementBean being created.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.OutputLinkBuilder
Returns a JSF component type of javax.faces.HtmlOutputLink.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectBooleanCheckboxBuilder
Returns the JSF component type of javax.faces.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox that will create a checkbox component.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectItemBuilder
Returns the JSF component type of javax.faces.SelectItem that will populate a ElementBean and create an html option.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectItemsBuilder
Returns the JSF component type javax.faces.SelectItems that will be set to the target ElementBean and used to create options for a collection.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectManyMenuBuilder
Returns the JSF component type of javax.faces.HtmlSelectManyMenu that will populate the target ElementBean.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectOneMenuBuilder
Returns a JSF component type of javax.faces.HtmlSelectOneMenu that will populate the target ElementBean.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectOneRadioBuilder
Returns a JSF component type of javax.faces.HtmlSelectOneRadio.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.VerbatimBuilder
Returns a JSF component type of javax.faces.HtmlOutputText.
getComponentType(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.VoidBuilder
Returns a JSF component type of javax.faces.HtmlOutputText.
getComponentType() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
Returns the logical component name registered in the faces config for the Clay component.
getConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayConfigParser
Returns an instance of the ConfigBean that pools a collection of faces meta-component definitions.
getConfig() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayTemplateParser
Returns an object pool for HTML template configuration files.
getConfig() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayXmlParser
getConfigDefinitions(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Passed a comma delimited list of configuration files, this method returns an array of ConfigBean.ConfigDefinition defining the files.
getConfigUrl() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean.XmlConfigDef
Returns the target configuration file url.
getConfigUrl() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean.ConfigDefinition
Returns the URL of the config file.
getConverter() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Gets a meta converter bean used to instantiate a jsf Converter.
getCustomizationCatalog() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
Returns the Catalog with a name identified by the constant Globals.CLAY_CUSTOMIZATION_CATALOG_NAME.
getDelimiter() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.StringArrayConverter
getDescription() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AbstractBean
Returns the description of the bean.
getDisplayElement() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Returns the current component metadata used to build a JSF resource.
getDisplayElementRoot() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Returns the root ComponentBean used to build the clay subtree component.
getDocument() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Token
Returns a reference to the complete document.
getElement(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Factory method that returns a top-level {link ComponentBean} with a matching jsfid or null if not found.
getElement(String) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
Factory method that returns a ComponentBean using an identifier.
getElement(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
Returns a ComponentBean that is materialized using a HTML template fragment.
getEndOffset() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Token
Ending offset of the token within the document.
getExtends() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns the jsfid of the meta component that this instance inherits from.
getFacesContext() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Returns the current faces Context.
getFacetName() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns the facet name that will be used as the identifier when adding the component to the parent facets collection.
getFamily() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
getFamily() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.LoadBundle
getGeneralizations(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Walks up the isA parent chain looking for circular relationships.
getHasAClientId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a xpath like string describing how this component fits into the overall composition.
getHasAParent() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Returns the parent component containing this object instance.
getHasAParent() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns the parent component that aggregates this object.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ActionListenerBean
Returns the ComponentBean's id.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns the identifier that will populate the JSF UIComponent.id property and is used to name the component within the tree.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConverterBean
Returns the ComponentBean's id.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ValidatorBean
Returns the ComponentBean's id.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ValueChangeListenerBean
Returns the ComponentBean's id.
getIncludes() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigDefinitionsWatchdogFilter
getIsAClientId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns an xpath like string that describes the heritage of this component.
getIsAClientId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.InnerComponentBean
This method describes the inheritance relationship for a containing component.
getIsAParent() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Returns a parent component that this component extends in terms of a meta relationship.
getIsAParent() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns the parent component that generalizes this object.
getIsBodyAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a boolean representation of the allowBody property.
getJsfid() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Returns the unique identifier for a component metadata definition.
getJsfid() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Returns the unique identifier used to build the component subtree.
getJsfid() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns the unique meta component identifier.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Returns a jsfid for the component.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.CommandButtonBuilder
Returns the jsfid assigned to the ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Returns the jsfid from the target HTML Node.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.FormBuilder
Returns the jsfid for the ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.IgnoreBuilder
Returns the jsfid for the target ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.InputTextareaBuilder
Returns the jsfid used to populate the ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.InputTextBuilder
Returns the jsfid used to populate the ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Returns the jsfid from the Node The extends attribute is giving the first order of evaluation.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder
Returns the jsfid associated with the ElementBean being build.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.MorphBuilder
Returns the jsfid the ElementBean will take.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.OutputLabelBuilder
Returns the jsfid associated with the ElementBean being build.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.OutputLinkBuilder
Returns a jsfid that will populate the target ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectBooleanCheckboxBuilder
Returns a jsfid for the ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectItemBuilder
Returns a jsfid that will be set on the target ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectItemsBuilder
Returns a jsfid used to populate the target ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectManyMenuBuilder
Returns the jsfid for the target ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectOneMenuBuilder
Returns the jsfid that will populate the target ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectOneRadioBuilder
Returns a jsfid that will populate the target ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.VerbatimBuilder
Returns the jsfid for the target ElementBean.
getJsfid(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.VoidBuilder
Returns the jsfid for the target ElementBean.
getJsfid() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
Gets the display Element identifier to be rendered.
getJsfRuntime() - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.JSFRuntimeTracker
This method will try to load some key classes in the various runtimes to determine the active runtime.
getJspId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a unique id that will stick to the config bean.
getLastModified() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean.XmlConfigDef
Returns the last time the target configuration file was modified.
getLastModified() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean.ConfigDefinition
Returns the last modified date of the config file.
getLineBeginOffset() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Token
Returns the line begining offset in the document that the node starts.
getLineNumber() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Token
Returns the line number in the document that the node starts.
getManagedBeanName() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Returns the logical bean name that replaces any occurance of "@managed-bean-name" within a binding expression.
getManagedBeanName(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
Returns the "@managed-bean-name" the view controller is registered under.
getManagedBeanName() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
Gets the name of the managed bean that is dynamically resolved using a token replacement before binding the value expression.
getMessages() - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
getName() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean.WatchDog
Returns the name of the resource watcher.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.SymbolBean
Returns a name corresponding to an associated JSF object property.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns the node name.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.SymbolTag
Returns the name of the symbol.
getNamespaceURI(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Walks up the tree looking for a uri namespace matching the prefix.
getNode() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.BuilderRuleContext
Returns the current html Node.
getNodesByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Finds matching nodes by name searching thru all the children.
getParent() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Returns the parent of the child.
getParent() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns the parent of the node or null if the node is a top-level/root node.
getPrefix() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.JsfDefaultBuilderRule
Returns the namespace prefix that will be added to the node name when resolving the clay config.
getPrefix() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Returns the namespace prefix that will be added to the node name when resolving the clay config.
getQname() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns the qualified node name.
getRawText() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Token
The complete identifier within the document defined by the range between the beginOffset and endOffset.
getRenderer(Node) - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.BuilderFactory
Returns a Builder mapped to a Node by executing chain command Globals.FIND_BUILDER_COMMAND_NAME The BuilderRuleContext is passed to the chain.
getRendererType() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
Returns the render registered for the component.
getRenderId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ElementBean
Returns an integer id that is used to order within the ComponentBean children set.
getRenderId() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Returns the next generated renderId.
getRendersChildren() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Returns true indicating that this component renders it's children.
getResource() - Method in exception org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.PageNotFoundException
Returns the missing resource.
getResourceURL(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
getRootElement() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Returns the root config object used to construct the Clay component subtree.
getRootElement() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Returns the root metadata component that is used to add to the component tree.
getSeparator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.StringArrayConverter
getServletContext() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Returns the web container ServletContext.
getServletContext() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
Returns an instance of the ServletContext set by the init(ServletContext) method.
getShapeValidator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Retuns the validator signature event that is invoked when the component metadata is retrieved.
getShapeValidator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
Returns the expression literal defining the validator event method binding.
getSymbol(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a SymbolBean from the symbols Map by name.
getSymbols() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Returns a Map containing replacement symbols within meta-component attributes.
getSymbols() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Returns the symbol table for the component.
getSymbols() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns the replacement symbols assigned to the component.
getTagUtils() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
getToken() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns an object that represents the starting and ending offsets within the document that this node represents.
getTopLevelElement(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Returns the root metadata component that is used to add to the component tree.
getTopLevelElement(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
Returns the root metadata component that is used to add to the component tree.
getValidatorIterator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a Iterator to the validator set.
getValidators() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a Collection of meta validators used to create jsf Validator object instances.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.SymbolBean
Returns the value of the attribute that can be a literal or a expression.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.SymbolTag
Returns the value for the symbol.
getValueChangeListenerIterator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a Iterator for the valueChangeListener set of ValueChangeListenerBean.
getValueChangeListeners() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a Iterator to the valueChangeListeners set.
getWeight() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
The weight is an attempt to make a plug-able system for registering ConfigBean objects with the ConfigBeanFactory.
getWeight() - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
A ordering weight used by the ConfigBeanFactory for determining the ConfigBean that will return a ComponentBean for a jsfid.
getWeight() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateComponentConfigBean
Returns an integer value use to order the registered ConfigBean instances with the ConfigBeanFactory.
getWeight() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
Returns an integer value use to order the registered ConfigBean instances with the ConfigBeanFactory.
Globals - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config
A Globals contains static constants used throughout the clay plug-in.
Globals() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals


IgnoreBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder is designed to ignore processing on a block of HTML.
IgnoreBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.IgnoreBuilder
index(ArrayList) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.NodeTokenizer
This method is passed an empty ArrayList that should be populated into Token offsets.
indexOfClayTemplateSuffix(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
This method looks to see if the target view identified by the viewId is a Clay HTML or XML full view.
indexOfClayTemplateSuffix(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandlerCommand
Checks the request.uri to determine if it's suffix matches one of the suffixes.
indexOfFormMarker() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
Returns an index into the FORM_MAKKERS array.
init(ServletContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Initialization method that is passed the ServletContext as a parameter.
init(ServletContext) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
Initialization method passing the ServletContext.
init(ServletContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
The HTML templates are loaded on-demand.
InnerComponentBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This class should be a base to all components that are contained within a owing ComponentBean.
InnerComponentBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.InnerComponentBean
InputBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This rule Command has an implied mapping to several html element types.
InputBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.InputBuilderRule
InputTextareaBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
Builds a ElementBean from a HTML Node where the TextareaBuilderRule handles the mapping.
InputTextareaBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.InputTextareaBuilder
InputTextBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
Builds a ElementBean from a HTML Node where the TextareaBuilderRule handles the mapping.
InputTextBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.InputTextBuilder
isCdata() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns true if the node is a CDATA; otherwise; the default is false.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
This method returns true if the faces component that it builds allows children but the default is false.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
This override returns true indicating that the from JSF component can have children.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.FormBuilder
This override returns true indicating that the from JSF component can have children.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder
Returns a boolean value that will indicate if the target JSF component will support children.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.MorphBuilder
Returns true indicating that the JSF component mapped to this html span tag can have children.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.OutputLabelBuilder
Returns a boolean value that will indicate if the target JSF component will support children.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.OutputLinkBuilder
Returns true meaning that the target JSF component can have children.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectManyMenuBuilder
Returns true indicating that the multi-select component can have children.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectOneMenuBuilder
Returns a true value indicating that the target JSF component can have children.
isChildrenAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectOneRadioBuilder
Returns true meaning that the target JSF component can have children.
isComment() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns true if the node is a comment; otherwise; the default is false.
isDesigntime() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Returns true if the current mode is design time.
isEnd() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns a true value if this node is a ending marker.
isInheritanceFinal() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Returns boolean that indicates the meta inheritance relationships have been resolved.
isInheritanceFinal() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Returns a boolean flag indicating that the meta inheritances has been resolved.
isNamingContainer(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Checks the componentType against the NAMING_CONTAINER_TYPES list to determine if it is a naming container.
isNodeNameEqual(Node, Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Compares two Node instances by name.
isNodeWhitespace(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Test the value of the node and returns true if the value is only whitespace.
isOptionalEndingTag(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Determines if a HTML nodeName is a type of tag that can optionally have a ending tag.
isSelfTerminating(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Checks to see if the nodeName is within the SELF_TERMINATING table of values.
isStart() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns true if the node is a beginning marker.
isValidOptionalEndingTagParent(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Checks to see if a optional ending tag has a valid parent.
isValueReference(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
Return true if the specified string contains an EL expression.
isWatchDogOn - Variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
This parameter is initialized from the init method from the org.apache.shale.clay.AUTO_RELOAD_CONFIG_FILES init parameter in the web.xml.
isWellFormed() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Returns true if the node has a beginning and ending marker.
iterator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.AttributeTokenizer
Returns an instance of an Iterator that will enumerate attributes in the document where the attributes are represented by a AttributeTokenizer.AttributeEntry instance.
iterator() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.NodeTokenizer
Returns an implementation of the Iterator interface to enumerate the nodes within the document.


JsfDefaultBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
A generic builder that maps the markup node name to the jsfid.
JsfDefaultBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
JsfDefaultBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
Delegates all handling to a common JsfDefaultBuilder that can transform markup that looks like JSP tags to a graph of InnerComponentBean beans.
JsfDefaultBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.JsfDefaultBuilderRule
JSFRuntimeTracker - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.utils
This utility class is used to determine the JSF runtime that will take presidency.
JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
Simulates a JSP include directive.include using the Clay component.
JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder


LabelBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This Command rule has an implied mapping of a html label Node to a OutputLabelBuilder regardless of the mapped jsfidLabelBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.LabelBuilderRule
LoadBundle - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component
Component counterpart of the standard loadBundle tag.
LoadBundle() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.LoadBundle
loadConfigFile(URL, String) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayConfigParser
Loads the url identified by the watchDogName into the ConfigBean object pool.
loadConfigFile(URL, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayTemplateParser
Loads the templateURL identified by the templateName into a graph of ComponentBean's.
loadConfigFile(URL, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayXmlParser
Loads a configuration file from a url.
loadConfigFiles() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Loads the Clay configration files into the displayElements Map.
loadConfigFiles() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateComponentConfigBean
This is an overridden method called from the init method.
loadConfigFiles() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
This is an overridden method called from the init method.
loadTemplate(URL) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayTemplateParser
Loads the template file respecting the encoding type.
loadTemplate(PageData) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTagValidator
Loads the page content into a StringBuffer.


MANAGED_BEAN_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
EL properties will replaced the literal value of this constant with the mapped ViewController bean before the expression is evaluated.
matches(String, Pattern[], boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigDefinitionsWatchdogFilter
Match the specified expression against the specified precompiled patterns.
messages - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Message resources for this class.
messages - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.Builder
Message resources for this class.
MorphBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder is mapped to the HTML span tag and will morph into any clay component defined by the jsfid attribute in the HTML element.
MorphBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.MorphBuilder
MYFACES_1_1 - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.JSFRuntimeTracker
This enumeration indicates the MyFaces 1.1.x runtime is installed.


NAMING_CONTAINER_TYPES - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
A static string array of faces component types that are naming containers.
nextToken(int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.AttributeTokenizer
Returns the next Token given an startOffset and a endDelim.
Node - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser
This class represents a node within a parsed document.
Node(Token) - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Overloaded constructor that requires a Token object in the formal parameter.
NodeTokenizer - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser
Splits a document into tokens using the following delimiters "<>".
NodeTokenizer(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.NodeTokenizer
Constructor with the complete document to parse.


optimizeTree(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
Recursively walks down the graph of meta-data ComponentBean's looking at the children of the root.
OptionBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This Command will return either a SelectItemBuilder or a SelectItemsBuilder if the html Node is an option and the option has children.
OptionBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.OptionBuilderRule
org.apache.shale.clay.component - package org.apache.shale.clay.component
org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain - package org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
org.apache.shale.clay.config - package org.apache.shale.clay.config
org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans - package org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
org.apache.shale.clay.convert - package org.apache.shale.clay.convert
org.apache.shale.clay.faces - package org.apache.shale.clay.faces
org.apache.shale.clay.parser - package org.apache.shale.clay.parser
org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder - package org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain - package org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
org.apache.shale.clay.taglib - package org.apache.shale.clay.taglib
org.apache.shale.clay.utils - package org.apache.shale.clay.utils
OutputLabelBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder will create a ElementBean representing a javax.faces.HtmlOutputLabel JSF component.
OutputLabelBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.OutputLabelBuilder
OutputLinkBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder will create a target ElementBean for a "<a>" Node.
OutputLinkBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.OutputLinkBuilder


PageNotFoundException - Exception in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This is an unchecked exception used to identify that a Clay template could not be found.
PageNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.PageNotFoundException
Overloaded constructor requires an error message and the missing resource.
parse(ArrayList) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.AttributeTokenizer
Builds an ArrayList of AttributeTokenizer.AttributeEntry instances identifying name and value pairs.
parse(StringBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
Parse a document fragment into graphs of Node.
parser - Variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Uses the digester to load the configuration files into a object graph cached in displayElements.
Parser - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser
Parses the document into a tree of nodes using the NodeTokenizer.
Parser() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
PluggableLookupCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.utils
This chains class performs a check to verify the catalog exists.
PluggableLookupCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.PluggableLookupCommand
PropertyActionCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This Command will create an action method binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the ActionSource interface.
PropertyActionCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyActionCommand
PropertyActionListenerCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This Command will create an actionListener method binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the ActionSource interface.
PropertyActionListenerCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyActionListenerCommand
PropertyConverterCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This Command will create an converter value binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the ValueHolder interface.
PropertyConverterCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyConverterCommand
PropertyValidatorCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This Command will create an validator method binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the EditableValueHolder interface.
PropertyValidatorCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyValidatorCommand
PropertyValueChangeListenerCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This Command will create an ValueChangeListener method binding and assign it to the UIComponent implementing the EditableValueHolder interface.
PropertyValueChangeListenerCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyValueChangeListenerCommand
PropertyValueCommand - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain
This is the catch all Command to handle all attributes that are not an "action", "actionListener", "validator" and "valueChangeListener".
PropertyValueCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.PropertyValueCommand
put(Object, Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.Attributes
Make the key case insensitive.


realizeComponent(Node, ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.ElementBuilder
Realizes the inheritance of the target ComponentBean and and then applies attributes that are optionally nested under the node.
realizeSymbols(ClayContext) - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
Evaluates nested symbols.
realizingInheritance(AttributeBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
This overload handles fixing up AttributeBean inheritance.
realizingInheritance(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
This method is passed a ComponentBean and is recursively called for each contained component.
realizingInheritance(ComponentBean) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
Fixes up the meta inheritance of a ComponentBean.
recursiveRender(UIComponent, FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
Recursively invokes the rendering of the sub component tree.
recursiveRenderChildren(UIComponent, FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Recursively invokes the rendering of the sub component tree.
refresh(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
This method should be called from key points in the application to invoke automatic reloading of the configuration files if they have been modified since last reloaded.
refresh(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean.WatchDog
This method is the watch dog timmer.
refresh(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
This method should be called from key points in the application to invoke automatic reloading of the configuration files if they have been modified since last reloaded.
refresh() - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBeanFactory
This method should be called from key points in the application to invoke automatic reloading of the configuration files if they have been modified since last reloaded.
refresh(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateComponentConfigBean
If the forceReload is true, the displayElements cache is invalidated.
refresh(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
If the forceReload is true, the displayElements cache is invalidated.
register(ConfigBean) - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBeanFactory
This method is invoked to register a class instance implementing ConfigBean interface.
renderView(FacesContext, UIViewRoot) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
The viewId is check to see if it ends with the same suffix as the full HTML or XML views.
replace(StringBuffer, Map) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.ClayAmalgam
Replaces tokens in the document with matching tokens in the context.
replaceMnemonic(ClayContext) - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
This call is used to substitue an attribute binding expression containing the symbols with the target property value in the ClayContext.
replaceMnemonic(ClayContext, String) - Static method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.AbstractCommand
This call is used to substitue an attribute binding expression containing the symbols within the sybmolToken.
resolveInheritance() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
This method is called on startup to resolve the meta inheritance relationships for each top-level components in the displayElements collection.
restoreState(FacesContext, Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Restores a component's state.
restoreView(FacesContext, String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
The default view handler implementation will try to make the viewId end with ".jsp".
RI_1_1 - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.JSFRuntimeTracker
This enumeration indicates the JSF RI 1.1.x runtime is installed.
RI_1_2 - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.utils.JSFRuntimeTracker
This enumeration indicates the JSF RI 1.2.x runtime is installed.
RUNTIME_ELEMENT_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
The literal string used to identify that a clay subtree should be built at runtime.


saveState(FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Saves a component's state.
SelectBooleanCheckboxBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder will create a ElementBean representing a javax.faces.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox JSF component.
SelectBooleanCheckboxBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectBooleanCheckboxBuilder
SelectBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This rule will map a html select Node to a SelectOneMenuBuilder or a SelectManyMenuBuilder.
SelectBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.SelectBuilderRule
SelectItemBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder will create a ElementBean that will be used to create a single html option element.
SelectItemBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectItemBuilder
SelectItemsBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This is a Builder that will create a ElementBean for a JSF javax.faces.SelectItems component.
SelectItemsBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectItemsBuilder
SelectManyMenuBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder creates a ElementBean mapped to a html select Node by the SelectBuilderRule.
SelectManyMenuBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectManyMenuBuilder
SelectOneMenuBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder will create a target ElementBean for a single select html Node.
SelectOneMenuBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectOneMenuBuilder
SelectOneRadioBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This Builder will create a target ElementBean for a single input radio Node.
SelectOneRadioBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.SelectOneRadioBuilder
SET_ATTRIBUTE_COMMAND_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.Globals
Chain subchain command invoked by the AssignPropertiesCommand to assign the attributes to the components.
setActionListeners(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Merges two collections where items in the source collection will override those in the target collection of ActionListenerBean by the jsfid property.
setAllowBody(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
This property only applies when using the Clay template features.
setAttribute(AttributeBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Sets the current attribute for each in AssignPropertiesCommand.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Merges a set of AttributeBean where items in the source collection override items in the target collection by the object's jsfid property.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Sets a Map collection of Node attributes.
setBasename(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.LoadBundle
Sets the base name of the resource bundle to be loaded.
setBindingType(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Sets a String that indicates the binding type for the attribute.
setBuilder(Builder) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.BuilderRuleContext
Sets the target Builder.
setCdata(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Sets a boolean value that identifies this node as being a CDATA.
setChild(Object) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Sets a child component that can be a UIComponent, Validator, Listener or Converter.
setChildIndex(int) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Sets the index at which a new component must be added in the list of childs.
setChildren(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Merges two sets of children ElementBean.
setClayJsfid(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Sets the unique identifier used to build the component subtree.
setComment(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Sets a boolean value that identifies this node as being a comment.
setComponentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Sets the component type uses by abstract factories to instantiate associated JSF resources.
setConfig(ConfigBean) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayConfigParser
Sets an instance of the ConfigBean that pools a collection of faces meta-component definitions.
setConfig(ConfigBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayTemplateParser
Sets an object pool for HTML template configuration files.
setConfig(ConfigBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.ClayXmlParser
setDelimiter(Character) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.StringArrayConverter
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AbstractBean
Sets the description of the bean.
setDesigntime(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Sets the design time to somthing other than the default false value.
setDisplayElement(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Sets the current component metadata used to build a JSF resource.
setDisplayElementRoot(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Sets the root ComponentBean used to build the clay subtree component.
setEnd(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Sets the flag indicating that this node is a ending marker.
setExtends(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Sets the jsfid of the meta component that this meta component inherits from.
setFacesContext(FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Sets the current faces Context.
setFacetName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Sets the facet name that will be used as the identifier when adding the component to the parent facets collection.
setHasAParent(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Sets the parent component that contains this object instance.
setHasAParent(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Sets the parent that owns this component.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ActionListenerBean
Sets the ComponentBean's id.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Sets the identifier that is used to populate the JSF UIComponent.id property.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConverterBean
Sets the ComponentBean's id.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ValidatorBean
Sets the ComponentBean's id.
setId(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ValueChangeListenerBean
Sets the ComponentBean's id.
setIncludes(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigDefinitionsWatchdogFilter
Set the comma-delimited regular expression patterns to include remote host names that match, if any; or null for no restrictions.
setInheritanceFinal(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Sets a boolean that indicates the meta inheritance relationships have been resolved.
setInheritanceFinal(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Sets a boolean flag indicating that the meta inheritances have been resolved.
setIsAParent(AttributeBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
Sets a parent component that this component extends in terms of a meta relationship.
setIsAParent(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Sets the component that this instance extends.
setJsfid(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Sets the unique identifier for a component metadata definition.
setJsfid(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Sets the unique identifier used to build the component subtree.
setJsfid(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Sets the unique meta component identifier.
setJsfid(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
Sets the identifier defining component metadata.
setLastModified(long) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean.XmlConfigDef
Sets the last time the target configuration file was modified.
setLastModified(long) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean.ConfigDefinition
Sets the last modified date of the config file.
setManagedBeanName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Sets the logical bean name that replaces any occurrences of "@managed-bean-name" within a binding expression.
setManagedBeanName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
Name of the managed bean that is dynamically resolved.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.SymbolBean
Sets the name of the attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Sets the node name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.SymbolTag
Sets the name of the symbol.
setNode(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.BuilderRuleContext
Sets the current html Node.
setParent(UIComponent) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Sets the parent of the child.
setParent(Node) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Sets the parent node.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.JsfDefaultBuilderRule
Sets the namespace preix that will override the template nodeds qname.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.JsfDefaultBuilder
Sets the namespace preix that will override the template nodeds qname.
setProperties(UIComponent) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
This method is invoked by the super and its purpose it to push tag attributes to corresponding component property values.
setQname(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Sets the qualified node name.
setRenderId(int) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ElementBean
Sets an integer id that is used to order within the ComponentBean children set.
setRootElement(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Sets the root config object used to construct the Clay component subtree.
setSeparator(Character) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.StringArrayConverter
setShapeValidator(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.Clay
Sets the validator signature event that is invoked when the component metadata is retrieved.
setShapeValidator(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTag
Sets the expression literal defining the validator event method binding.
setStart(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Sets a boolean flag indicating that the node is a beginning marker.
setSymbols(Map) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain.ClayContext
Sets a Map containing replacement symbols within meta-component attributes.
setValidators(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Adds a collection of ValidatorBean to the validator set.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.SymbolBean
Sets the value of the attribute.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.SymbolTag
Sets the value for the symbol.
setValueChangeListeners(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
Merges a collection of ValueChangeListenerBean where items in the source collection with the same jsfid will override items in the target set with the same identifier.
setVar(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.component.LoadBundle
Sets the name of a request scope attribute under which the resource bundle will be exposed as a Map.
setWellFormed(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node
Sets a boolean flag that is true if the node has a beginning and ending marker.
SpanBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This Command rule matches a html span Node to a MorphBuilder.
SpanBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.SpanBuilderRule
START_CHARSET_TOKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Parser
The start of the comment token used to override the template encoding type.
StringArrayConverter - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.convert
Converts a String to a String[] or vise versa.
StringArrayConverter() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.StringArrayConverter
suffixes - Variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
The suffixes used to identify that a jsfid is a template style of composition.
SymbolBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
A symbol represents a variable replaced in a JSF binding expression.
SymbolBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.SymbolBean
SymbolTag - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.taglib
This Tag is used to add replacement symbols to the Clay component.
SymbolTag() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.SymbolTag


TemplateComponentConfigBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This ConfigBean is responsible for handling full XML views.
TemplateComponentConfigBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateComponentConfigBean
TemplateConfigBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
The second type of top-level object pool.
TemplateConfigBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
TextareaBuilderRule - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain
This Command rule will map an html textarea Node to a InputTextareaBuilder.
TextareaBuilderRule() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.chain.TextareaBuilderRule
TimeZoneConverter - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.convert
Converts a time zone id literal string into the TimeZone and back to a string.
TimeZoneConverter() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.convert.TimeZoneConverter
Token - Interface in org.apache.shale.clay.parser
A Token identifies an offset range within the document.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.AttributeBean
toString() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentBean
toString() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ElementBean
toString() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.SymbolBean
toString() - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.Node


unassignParent(ComponentBean) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Recursively called to unassign isA and hasA parent relationships.


validate(String, String, PageData) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.taglib.ClayTagValidator
Validates the page for a directive with a uri of "http://shale.apache.org/shale/clay-plugin".
ValidatorBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This meta component will be used to construct a JSF Validator.
ValidatorBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ValidatorBean
validMoniker(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Called by the ConfigBeanFactory to determine if this instance of ConfigBean can handle finding the ConfigBean from the jsfid.
validMoniker(String) - Method in interface org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigBean
Returns true if the jsfid can be used by the getElement(jsfid) to return a ComponentBean.
validMoniker(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateComponentConfigBean
Overrides the super call to change the condition of the filter.
validMoniker(String) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.TemplateConfigBean
Overrides the super call to change the condition of the filter.
value(Context) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ConfigDefinitionsWatchdogFilter
Return the servlet path (if any) concatenated with the path info (if any) for this request.
ValueChangeListenerBean - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans
This meta component will be used to construct a JSF ValueChangeListener.
ValueChangeListenerBean() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ValueChangeListenerBean
VerbatimBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This is the default Builder that will create a ElementBean having characteristics like the JSP verbatim tag.
VerbatimBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.VerbatimBuilder
VIEW_MAPPER - Static variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
Application scope attribute under which the ViewControllerMapper for translating view identifiers to class names of the corresponding ViewController is stored.
VoidBuilder - Class in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder
This is a Builder that will create a void ElementBean.
VoidBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder.VoidBuilder


watchDogs - Variable in class org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans.ComponentConfigBean
Map of ComponentConfigBean.WatchDog that watches the configuration files looking for changes.
writeState(FacesContext) - Method in class org.apache.shale.clay.faces.ClayViewHandler
Invokes the original view handler's writeState.


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