Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConfigBean

Uses of ConfigBean in org.apache.shale.clay.config

Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.config that return ConfigBean
 ConfigBean ClayXmlParser.getConfig()
 ConfigBean ClayTemplateParser.getConfig()
           Returns an object pool for HTML template configuration files.
 ConfigBean ClayConfigParser.getConfig()
          Returns an instance of the ConfigBean that pools a collection of faces meta-component definitions.

Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.config with parameters of type ConfigBean
 void ClayXmlParser.setConfig(ConfigBean config)
 void ClayTemplateParser.setConfig(ConfigBean config)
           Sets an object pool for HTML template configuration files.
 void ClayConfigParser.setConfig(ConfigBean config)
          Sets an instance of the ConfigBean that pools a collection of faces meta-component definitions.

Uses of ConfigBean in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans

Classes in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans that implement ConfigBean
 class ComponentConfigBean
          This class is kind of the metadata object pool for configuration data loaded from XML files on startup in the ClayConfigureListener by the ClayXmlParser.
 class TemplateComponentConfigBean
          This ConfigBean is responsible for handling full XML views.
 class TemplateConfigBean
          The second type of top-level object pool.

Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans that return ConfigBean
static ConfigBean ConfigBeanFactory.findConfig(String id)
          This method will return a ConfigBean that can be used to return component metadata.

Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans with parameters of type ConfigBean
static void ConfigBeanFactory.register(ConfigBean config)
          This method is invoked to register a class instance implementing ConfigBean interface.

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