Uses of ComponentBean in org.apache.shale.clay.component |
Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.component that return ComponentBean | |
protected ComponentBean |
Returns the root ComponentBean used to build the clay subtree
component. |
protected ComponentBean |
Returns the root metadata component that is used to add to the component tree. |
Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.component with parameters of type ComponentBean | |
protected void |
Clay.setDisplayElementRoot(ComponentBean displayElementRoot)
Sets the root ComponentBean used to build the clay subtree
component. |
Uses of ComponentBean in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain |
Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain that return ComponentBean | |
ComponentBean |
Returns the current component metadata used to build a JSF resource. |
ComponentBean |
Returns the root config object used to construct the Clay component subtree. |
Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.component.chain with parameters of type ComponentBean | |
void |
ClayContext.setDisplayElement(ComponentBean displayElement)
Sets the current component metadata used to build a JSF resource. |
void |
ClayContext.setRootElement(ComponentBean rootElement)
Sets the root config object used to construct the Clay component subtree. |
Uses of ComponentBean in org.apache.shale.clay.config |
Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.config that return ComponentBean | |
protected ComponentBean |
ClayTemplateParser.generateElement(URL templateURL,
String templateName)
Loads the template file and parses it into a composition of metadata that's used by the Clay
component. |
Uses of ComponentBean in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans |
Subclasses of ComponentBean in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans | |
class |
This meta component will be used to construct a JSF ActionListener . |
class |
This meta component will be used to construct a JSF Converter . |
class |
This bean represents the composition of a complex component. |
class |
This class should be a base to all components that are contained within a owing ComponentBean . |
class |
This meta component will be used to construct a JSF Validator . |
class |
This meta component will be used to construct a JSF ValueChangeListener . |
Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans that return ComponentBean | |
ComponentBean |
Gets a meta converter bean used to instantiate a jsf Converter . |
ComponentBean |
TemplateConfigBean.getElement(String templateName)
Returns a ComponentBean that is materialized
using a HTML template fragment. |
ComponentBean |
ConfigBean.getElement(String id)
Factory method that returns a ComponentBean
using an identifier. |
ComponentBean |
ComponentConfigBean.getElement(String jsfid)
Factory method that returns a top-level {link ComponentBean} with a matching jsfid or null if not found. |
ComponentBean |
Returns the parent component that aggregates this object. |
ComponentBean |
Returns the parent component containing this object instance. |
ComponentBean |
Returns the parent component that generalizes this object. |
protected ComponentBean |
TemplateConfigBean.getTopLevelElement(String jsfid)
Returns the root metadata component that is used to add to the component tree. |
protected ComponentBean |
ComponentConfigBean.getTopLevelElement(String jsfid)
Returns the root metadata component that is used to add to the component tree. |
Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.config.beans with parameters of type ComponentBean | |
void |
ComponentConfigBean.addChild(ComponentBean obj)
Adds a {link ComponentBean} to the displayElement map collection using
the jsfid as the key. |
void |
ConfigBean.assignParent(ComponentBean b)
Sets the isA parent's for a ComponentBean . |
void |
ComponentConfigBean.assignParent(ComponentBean b)
Called to assign the IsA parent to the ComponentBean
using the extends attribute. |
protected void |
ComponentConfigBean.checkCircularInheritance(ComponentBean b)
Passed a ComponentBean , the method looks for several
types of circular inheritances. |
void |
ConfigBean.checkTree(ComponentBean b)
Verifies there is not a duplicate component id within a naming container. |
void |
ComponentConfigBean.checkTree(ComponentBean b)
Recursively walks the tree of component metadata verifying there is not a duplicate component id within a naming container. |
protected void |
ComponentConfigBean.checkTree(List componentIds,
ComponentBean b)
Verifies there is not a duplicate component id within a naming container. |
protected Stack |
ComponentConfigBean.getAssociations(ComponentBean b)
Walks up the hasA parent chain looking for circular relationships. |
protected Stack |
ComponentConfigBean.getGeneralizations(ComponentBean b)
Walks up the isA parent chain looking for circular relationships. |
void |
TemplateConfigBean.optimizeTree(ComponentBean root)
Recursively walks down the graph of meta-data ComponentBean 's
looking at the children of the root . |
void |
ConfigBean.realizingInheritance(ComponentBean b)
Fixes up the meta inheritance of a ComponentBean . |
void |
ComponentConfigBean.realizingInheritance(ComponentBean b)
This method is passed a ComponentBean and is
recursively called for each contained component. |
void |
ComponentBean.setHasAParent(ComponentBean bean)
Sets the parent that owns this component. |
void |
AttributeBean.setHasAParent(ComponentBean bean)
Sets the parent component that contains this object instance. |
void |
ComponentBean.setIsAParent(ComponentBean bean)
Sets the component that this instance extends. |
protected void |
ComponentConfigBean.unassignParent(ComponentBean b)
Recursively called to unassign isA and hasA parent relationships. |
Uses of ComponentBean in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder |
Methods in org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder with parameters of type ComponentBean | |
protected void |
ElementBuilder.addAttributes(Node attributesNode,
ComponentBean target)
Looks for <set/> nodes within a <attributes> node and converting them to AttributeBean 's
on the target ComponentBean . |
protected void |
JsfDefaultBuilder.addValidatorVar(Node attributesNode,
ComponentBean target)
Looks for <s:validatorVar/> nodes within a <s:commonsValidator> node and converting them to AttributeBean 's
on the target ComponentBean . |
protected void |
VerbatimBuilder.assignAttributes(Node node,
ComponentBean target)
Skip the processing of attributes for a verbatim node. |
protected void |
Builder.assignAttributes(Node node,
ComponentBean target)
This method applies the HTML attribute overrides to the declarative component, an object representation of the XML configuration. |
protected AttributeBean |
Builder.createAttribute(AttributeBean original,
String value,
ComponentBean target)
Factory method that creates a AttributeBean from the original
replacing the value . |
void |
Builder.encode(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
The call that begins the conversion of a Node to a
ComponentBean . |
protected void |
VerbatimBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Calls to the super implementation to populate the target ElementBean and then sets the value attribute to the raw text of
the html node. |
protected void |
SelectOneMenuBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Remove any child nodes that are not "option" nodes. |
protected void |
SelectManyMenuBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Remove any child nodes that are not "option" nodes. |
protected void |
SelectItemBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
The default for a single option is to look at the next html node to find the label. |
protected void |
OutputLinkBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Calls super to populate the target config bean with the
html node 's values. |
protected void |
JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Calls super to populate the target config bean with the
html node 's values. |
protected void |
JsfDefaultBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Build's a target ElementBean from a Node . |
protected void |
IgnoreBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Builds a outputText component. |
protected void |
ElementBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Handles converting markup resembling the <element> node in the clay DTD, http://shale.apache.org/dtds/clay-config_1_0.dtd, to the target ElementBean . |
protected void |
CommentBuilder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
The super implementation is invoked to build a target ElementBean . |
protected void |
Builder.encodeBegin(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Called to being building a ElementBean from a Node . |
protected void |
Builder.encodeChildren(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
Recursively builds the clay meta component data from the parse document of Node 's. |
protected void |
VerbatimBuilder.encodeEnd(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
If the html node is well-formed, the create a ending html tag using another verbatim ElementBean . |
protected void |
InputTextBuilder.encodeEnd(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
The default for this builder is that builder will handle the children html nodes meaning that the default should be true . |
protected void |
CommentBuilder.encodeEnd(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
This override cancels the super implementation. |
protected void |
Builder.encodeEnd(Node node,
ElementBean target,
ComponentBean root)
This call is invoked for any final processing. |
protected void |
ElementBuilder.realizeComponent(Node node,
ComponentBean target)
Realizes the inheritance of the target
ComponentBean and
and then applies attributes that are optionally nested
under the node . |