2009/05/20 - Apache Shale has been retired.

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Tag reference sheet

Tag library reference for the following tag libraries:

Shale Validator JSF Components and Tags

This tag library contains tags for the JSF components supported by the Shale Framework for integration with Commons Validator.

This is version 1.0.

Required attributes are marked with a *


Provides access to Commons Validators.

Can contain: JSP


arg A value that's plugged into the message String
client If true, validation is performed on the client String
datePatternStrict A date pattern using syntax defined in java.text.SimpleDateFormat String
mask A regular expression to which the value must conform String
max The maximum valid value String
maxlength The maximum valid length of the field String
message A message displayed when validation fails String
min The minimum valid value String
minlength The minimum valid length of the field String
server If true, validation is performed on the server String
type The type of validator associated with this tag String


Generates JavaScript required for validation.

Can contain: empty


functionName* The name of the function to generate. String


Parameters for specific validators.

Can contain: empty


name* The name of the parameter. String
value* The value of the parameter. String

Shale Validator JSF Tags

This tag library contains tags for the JSF validators supported by the Shale Framework for integration with Commons Validator.

This is version 1.0.

  • double Validates double input for both format and range restrictions
  • float Validates float input for both format and range restrictions
  • integer Validates integer input for both format and range restrictions
  • long Validates long input for both format and range restrictions
  • short Validates short input for both format and range restrictions
Required attributes are marked with a *


Validates double input for both format and range restrictions.

Can contain: empty


client Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". String
maximum Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. String
message Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
minimum Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced. String


Validates float input for both format and range restrictions.

Can contain: empty


client Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". String
maximum Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. String
message Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
minimum Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced. String


Validates integer input for both format and range restrictions.

Can contain: empty


client Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". String
maximum Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. String
message Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
minimum Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced. String


Validates long input for both format and range restrictions.

Can contain: empty


client Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". String
maximum Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. String
message Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
minimum Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced. String


Validates short input for both format and range restrictions.

Can contain: empty


client Flag indicating whether this validation should be enforced on the client side as well as the server side. If not specified, the default is "true". String
maximum Upper limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no upper limit is enforced. String
message Error message template for reporting validation errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
minimum Lower limit on legal values for this component. If not specified, no lower limit is enforced. String

Shale Converter JSF Tags

This tag library contains tags for the JSF Converters supported by the Shale Framework for integration with Commons Validator.

This is version 1.0.

  • double Convert between strings and doubles based on the specified converter properties
  • float Convert between strings and floats based on the specified converter properties
  • integer Convert between strings and integers based on the specified converter properties
  • long Convert between strings and longs based on the specified converter properties
  • short Convert between strings and shorts based on the specified converter properties
Required attributes are marked with a *


Convert between strings and doubles based on the specified converter properties.

Can contain: empty


locale Locale to use for locale-sensitive conversions. If not specified, the Locale for the current view is used. String
message Error message template for reporting conversion errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
pattern Number format pattern string (see javadocs for java.text.DecimalFormat for details) to use for conversion. If not specified, no pattern is used. String


Convert between strings and floats based on the specified converter properties.

Can contain: empty


locale Locale to use for locale-sensitive conversions. If not specified, the Locale for the current view is used. String
message Error message template for reporting conversion errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
pattern Number format pattern string (see javadocs for java.text.DecimalFormat for details) to use for conversion. If not specified, no pattern is used. String


Convert between strings and integers based on the specified converter properties.

Can contain: empty


locale Locale to use for locale-sensitive conversions. If not specified, the Locale for the current view is used. String
message Error message template for reporting conversion errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
pattern Number format pattern string (see javadocs for java.text.DecimalFormat for details) to use for conversion. If not specified, no pattern is used. String


Convert between strings and longs based on the specified converter properties.

Can contain: empty


locale Locale to use for locale-sensitive conversions. If not specified, the Locale for the current view is used. String
message Error message template for reporting conversion errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
pattern Number format pattern string (see javadocs for java.text.DecimalFormat for details) to use for conversion. If not specified, no pattern is used. String


Convert between strings and shorts based on the specified converter properties.

Can contain: empty


locale Locale to use for locale-sensitive conversions. If not specified, the Locale for the current view is used. String
message Error message template for reporting conversion errors. If not specified, the default value from either the application message resource bundle, or the default resource bundle, will be used. String
pattern Number format pattern string (see javadocs for java.text.DecimalFormat for details) to use for conversion. If not specified, no pattern is used. String