2009/05/20 - Apache Shale has been retired.

For more information, please explore the Attic.

Acquiring and Building Shale


This page documents how to Acquire a copy of the source code and Build the framework from source.

Acquiring Shale

The easiest way to acquire the source code for Shale is to download one of the Nightly Build or Release Distributions, which contain both the source code and the binary libraries. Alternatively, you can check out the source code from the Shale Subversion repository using the URLs specified here.

Building Shale From Source

Once you have acquired the source code for Shale from the Subversion repository or a nightly build, as described above, you can proceed to set up a development environment with which to build it. Follow these steps to continue:

  • Acquire a copy of a Java Development Kit (Version 1.4 or later), and install it according to the provided documentation.
  • Acquire a copy of Apache Maven (version 2.0.4 or later), and install it according to the provided documentation.
  • By default, the Shale build uses Apache MyFaces, but you can also build against the JavaServer Faces Reference Implementation by adding -Djsf=ri to the command line.
  • In the top-level directory of the unpacked Shale distribution, execute the command mvn clean install to completely rebuild the framework distribution from source.
  • In the shale-apps directory of the unpacked Shale distribution, execute the command mvn clean install to completely rebuild the example applications from source.
  • In addition, each of the major source subdirectories has a properly configured pom.xml file, so you can rebuild just that subdirectory if desired.

Building Shale 1.0.2 (Alpha) From Source

Once you have acquired the Shale 1.0.2 (Alpha) distribution, you can proceed to set up a development environment with which to build it. Follow these steps to continue:
  • Acquire a copy of a Java Development Kit (Version 1.4 or later), and install it according to the provided documentation.
  • Acquire a copy of Apache Ant (version 1.6.3 or later), and install it according to the provided documentation.
  • If you wish to build Shale against the JavaServer Faces reference implementation, acquire a copy (Version 1.1_01) and install it according to the provided documentation.
  • In the top-level directory of the unpacked Shale distribution, copy the file build.properties.sample to build.properties, and customize the property values it contains. Pay particular attention to the following values:
    • jsfri.dir - If you downloaded and installed the JavaServer Faces Reference implementation, set this property to the fully qualified pathname of the directory into which you installed the distribution.
    • jsf.home - If you are using MyFaces, comment out the default value and uncomment the following line.
    • jsf-api.jar - If you are using MyFaces, comment out the default value and uncomment the following line.
    • jsf-impl.jar - If you are using MyFaces, comment out the default value and uncomment the following line.
  • In the top-level directory of the unpacked Shale distribution, execute the following Ant commands to set up external dependencies:
    • ant download-dependencies - to download freely available external dependencies.
    • ant copy-jsf-ri - if you are using the JSF RI, load the appropriate artifacts.
  • In the top-level directory of the unpacked Shale distribution, execute the command ant clean release to completely rebuild the entire distribution from source.
  • In addition, each of the major source subdirectories has a properly configured build.xml file, so you can rebuild just that subdirectory if desired.