Class ConfigParser

  extended by org.apache.shale.test.config.ConfigParser

public final class ConfigParser
extends Object

Utility class to parse JavaServer Faces configuration resources, and register JSF artifacts with the mock object hierarchy.

The following artifacts are registered:

Note that any declared factory instances are explicitly NOT registered, allowing the mock object hierarchy of the Shale Test Framework to manage these APIs.

USAGE NOTE - If you are using an instance of this class within a subclass of AbstractJsfTestCase or AbstractJmockJsfTestCase, be sure you have completed the setUp() processing in this base class before calling one of the parse() methods.


Constructor Summary
          Creates a new instance of ConfigParser
Method Summary
 URL[] getPlatformURLs()
          Return the URLs of the platform configuration resources for this application.
 void parse(URL url)
          Parse the specified JavaServer Faces configuration resource, causing the appropriate JSF artifacts to be registered with the mock object hierarchy.
 void parse(URL[] urls)
          Parse the specified set of JavaServer Faces configuration resources, in the listed order, causing the appropriate JSF artifacts to be registered with the mock object hierarchy.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ConfigParser()
Creates a new instance of ConfigParser

Method Detail


public URL[] getPlatformURLs()

Return the URLs of the platform configuration resources for this application. The following platforms are currently supported:

If MyFaces (version 1.2), currently under development, does not change the name of the configuration resource, it will be supported as well.


public void parse(URL url)
           throws IOException,

Parse the specified JavaServer Faces configuration resource, causing the appropriate JSF artifacts to be registered with the mock object hierarchy.

url - URL of the configuration resource to parse
IOException - if an input/output error occurs
SAXException - if a parsing error occurs


public void parse(URL[] urls)
           throws IOException,

Parse the specified set of JavaServer Faces configuration resources, in the listed order, causing the appropriate JSF artifacts to be registered with the mock object hierarchy.

urls - URLs of the configuration resources to parse
IOException - if an input/output error occurs
SAXException - if a parsing error occurs

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