Package org.apache.shale.clay.parser.builder

Class Summary
Builder The abstract document node converter handles building meta components, ComponentBean, for a parsed html document fragment.
BuilderFactory This is an abstract factory that returns a Builder mapped to a Node.
CommandButtonBuilder Builds a command button ElementBean object from a Node.
CommentBuilder This Builder will render a HTML Node as an HTML comment.
ElementBuilder This class handles building the ElementBean's from the html markup resembling the <attributes> node in the clay DTD,
FormBuilder Builds a form ElementBean from a HTML Node.
IgnoreBuilder This Builder is designed to ignore processing on a block of HTML.
InputTextareaBuilder Builds a ElementBean from a HTML Node where the TextareaBuilderRule handles the mapping.
InputTextBuilder Builds a ElementBean from a HTML Node where the TextareaBuilderRule handles the mapping.
JsfDefaultBuilder A generic builder that maps the markup node name to the jsfid.
JspIncludeDirectiveBuilder Simulates a JSP include directive.include using the Clay component.
MorphBuilder This Builder is mapped to the HTML span tag and will morph into any clay component defined by the jsfid attribute in the HTML element.
OutputLabelBuilder This Builder will create a ElementBean representing a javax.faces.HtmlOutputLabel JSF component.
OutputLinkBuilder This Builder will create a target ElementBean for a "<a>" Node.
SelectBooleanCheckboxBuilder This Builder will create a ElementBean representing a javax.faces.HtmlSelectBooleanCheckbox JSF component.
SelectItemBuilder This Builder will create a ElementBean that will be used to create a single html option element.
SelectItemsBuilder This is a Builder that will create a ElementBean for a JSF javax.faces.SelectItems component.
SelectManyMenuBuilder This Builder creates a ElementBean mapped to a html select Node by the SelectBuilderRule.
SelectOneMenuBuilder This Builder will create a target ElementBean for a single select html Node.
SelectOneRadioBuilder This Builder will create a target ElementBean for a single input radio Node.
VerbatimBuilder This is the default Builder that will create a ElementBean having characteristics like the JSP verbatim tag.
VoidBuilder This is a Builder that will create a void ElementBean.

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