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1   /*
2    * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
3    * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
4    * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
5    * The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
6    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
7    * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
8    *
9    *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10   *
11   * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12   * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13   * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14   * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15   * limitations under the License.
16   */
18  package org.apache.shale.remoting;
20  /***
21   * <p>Manifest constants related to Shale Remoting support.</p>
22   */
23  public final class Constants {
26      // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructors
29      /***
30       * <p>Private constructor to avoid instantiation.</p>
31       */
32      private Constants() { }
35      // ------------------------------------------------------ Manifest Constants
38      /***
39       * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list
40       * of URL matching patterns for resource identifiers that will be
41       * explicitly excluded.  If not specified, the value of constant
42       * CLASS_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT will be used.</p>
43       *
44       * @since 1.0.4
45       */
46      public static final String CLASS_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES =
47              "org.apache.shale.remoting.CLASS_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES";
50      /***
51       * <p>Default value for the CLASS_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES context initialization
52       * parameter if no explicit value is specified.</p>
53       *
54       * <p><strong>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</strong> - The default exclude list
55       * defined here will be prepended to any exclude list provided by the
56       * application, with the result that it is not possible to configure
57       * this processor to deliver resources matching these patterns.</p>
58       *
59       * @since 1.0.4
60       */
61      public static final String CLASS_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT =
62              "*.class,*.jsp,*.properties";
65      /***
66       * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list
67       * of URL matching patterns for resource identifiers that will be
68       * explicitly included.  If not specified, the value of constant
69       * CLASS_RESOURCES_INCLUDES_DEFAULT will be used.</p>
70       *
71       * @since 1.0.4
72       */
73      public static final String CLASS_RESOURCES_INCLUDES =
74              "org.apache.shale.remoting.CLASS_RESOURCES_INCLUDES";
77      /***
78       * <p>Default value for the CLASS_RESOURCES_INCLUDES context initialization
79       * parameter if no explicit value is specified.</p>
80       *
81       * @since 1.0.4
82       */
83      public static final String CLASS_RESOURCES_INCLUDES_DEFAULT =
84              "*.css,*.gif,*.html,*.jpg,*.js,*.png,*.txt,*.xml";
87      /***
88       * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list of
89       * colon-delimited pairs, with each pair representing a URL matching pattern
90       * (such as <code>/foo/*</code> or <code>*.foo</code>) and the fully qualified
91       * class name of a {@link Processor} class to use for handling requests that
92       * match the specified pattern.  If no such parameter is specified, the
93       * default value (<code>/static/*:org.apache.shale.remoting.impl.ClassResourceProcessor</code>)
94       * is used.  The {@link Mapping} instance for each pair will be configured
95       * with <code>Mechanism.CLASS_RESOURCE</code>.</p>
96       */
97      public static final String CLASS_RESOURCES_PARAM =
98              "org.apache.shale.remoting.CLASS_RESOURCES";
101     /***
102      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list
103      * of URL matching patterns for resource identifiers that will be
104      * explicitly excluded.  If not specified, the value of constant
105      * DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT will be used.</p>
106      *
107      * @since 1.0.4
108      */
109     public static final String DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES =
110             "org.apache.shale.remoting.DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES";
113     /***
114      * <p>Default value for the DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES context initialization
115      * parameter if no explicit value is specified.</p>
116      *
117      * <p><strong>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</strong> - The default exclude list
118      * defined here will be prepended to any exclude list provided by the
119      * application, with the result that it is not possible to configure
120      * this processor to deliver resources matching these patterns.</p>
121      *
122      * @since 1.0.4
123      */
124     public static final String DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT =
125             "/application/*,/applicationScope/*,/facesContext/*,/request/*,/requestScope/*,/response/*,/session/*,/sessionScope/*,/view/*";
128     /***
129      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list
130      * of URL matching patterns for resource identifiers that will be
131      * explicitly included.  If not specified, the value of constant
132      * DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_INCLUDES_DEFAULT will be used.</p>
133      *
134      * @since 1.0.4
135      */
136     public static final String DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_INCLUDES =
137             "org.apache.shale.remoting.DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_INCLUDES";
140     /***
141      * <p>Default value for the DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_INCLUDES context initialization
142      * parameter if no explicit value is specified.</p>
143      *
144      * @since 1.0.4
145      */
146     public static final String DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_INCLUDES_DEFAULT =
147             null;
150     /***
151      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list of
152      * colon-delimited pairs, with each pair representing a URL matching pattern
153      * (such as <code>/foo/*</code> or <code>*.foo</code>) and the fully qualified
154      * class name of a {@link Processor} class to use for handling requests that
155      * match the specified pattern.  If no such parameter is specified, the
156      * default value (<code>/dynamic/*:org.apache.shale.remoting.impl.MethodBindingProcessor</code>)
157      * is used.  The {@link Mapping} instance for each pair will be configured
158      * with <code>Mechanism.DYNAMIC_RESOURCE</code>.</p>
159      */
160     public static final String DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_PARAM =
161             "org.apache.shale.remoting.DYNAMIC_RESOURCES";
164     /***
165      * <p>Context initialization parameter defining the name of the
166      * Faces Servlet to be used for remoting requests.  If not specified,
167      * the last (or only) servlet definition for a servlet whose class is
168      * <code>javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet</code> is used.</p>
169      */
170     public static final String FACES_SERVLET_NAME_PARAM =
171             "org.apache.shale.remoting.FACES_SERVLET_NAME";
174     /***
175      * <p>Context initialization parameter defining the zero-relative index
176      * of the <code>servlet-mapping</code>, for the specified or default
177      * <code>FacesServlet</code> servlet name, to use when generating
178      * URLs for resources.  If not specified, the default value is zero,
179      * meaning that the first servlet mapping (in the order listed in
180      * <code>web.xml</code>) will be used.</p>
181      *
182      * @since 1.0.4
183      */
184     public static final String FACES_SERVLET_URL_PARAM =
185             "org.apache.shale.remoting.FACES_SERVLET_MAPPING_INDEX";
189     /***
190      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing the fully qualified
191      * class name of the {@link Mapping} implementation class to use.  If
192      * not specified, <code>org.apache.shale.remoting.impl.MappingImpl</code>
193      * is used.</p>
194      */
195     public static final String MAPPING_CLASS =
196             "org.apache.shale.remoting.MAPPING_CLASS";
199     /***
200      * <p>Servlet context attribute under which the {@link Mappings} instance
201      * for this web application will be stored.</p>
202      */
203     public static final String MAPPINGS_ATTR =
204             "org.apache.shale.remoting.MAPPINGS";
207     /***
208      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing the fully qualified
209      * class name of the {@link Mappings} implementation class to use.  If
210      * not specified, <code>org.apache.shale.remoting.impl.MappingsImpl</code>
211      * is used.</p>
212      */
213     public static final String MAPPINGS_CLASS =
214             "org.apache.shale.remoting.MAPPINGS_CLASS";
217     /***
218      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list
219      * of URL matching patterns for resource identifiers that will be
220      * explicitly excluded.  If not specified, the value of constant
221      * OTHER_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT will be used.</p>
222      *
223      * @since 1.0.4
224      */
225     public static final String OTHER_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES =
226             "org.apache.shale.remoting.OTHER_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES";
229     /***
230      * <p>Default value for the OTHER_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES context initialization
231      * parameter if no explicit value is specified.</p>
232      *
233      * <p><strong>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</strong> - The default exclude list
234      * defined here will be prepended to any exclude list provided by the
235      * application, with the result that it is not possible to configure
236      * this processor to deliver resources matching these patterns.</p>
237      *
238      * @since 1.0.4
239      */
240     public static final String OTHER_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT =
241             "*.class,*.jsp,*.properties";
244     /***
245      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list
246      * of URL matching patterns for resource identifiers that will be
247      * explicitly included.  If not specified, the value of constant
248      * OTHER_RESOURCES_INCLUDES_DEFAULT will be used.</p>
249      *
250      * @since 1.0.4
251      */
252     public static final String OTHER_RESOURCES_INCLUDES =
253             "org.apache.shale.remoting.OTHER_RESOURCES_INCLUDES";
256     /***
257      * <p>Default value for the OTHER_RESOURCES_INCLUDES context initialization
258      * parameter if no explicit value is specified.</p>
259      *
260      * @since 1.0.4
261      */
262     public static final String OTHER_RESOURCES_INCLUDES_DEFAULT =
263             "*.css,*.gif,*.html,*.jpg,*.js,*.png,*.xml";
266     /***
267      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list of
268      * colon-delimited pairs, with each pair representing a URL matching pattern
269      * (such as <code>/foo/*</code> or <code>*.foo</code>) and the fully qualified
270      * class name of a {@link Processor} class to use for handling requests that
271      * match the specified pattern.  No defaults for this mechanism are defined.
272      * The {@link Mapping} instance for each pair will be configured
273      * with <code>Mechanism.OTHER_RESOURCE</code>.</p>
274      */
275     public static final String OTHER_RESOURCES_PARAM =
276             "org.apache.shale.remoting.OTHER_RESOURCES";
279     /***
280      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list
281      * of URL matching patterns for resource identifiers that will be
282      * explicitly excluded.  If not specified, the value of constant
283      * WEB_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT will be used.</p>
284      *
285      * @since 1.0.4
286      */
287     public static final String WEBAPP_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES =
288             "org.apache.shale.remoting.WEB_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES";
291     /***
292      * <p>Default value for the WEB_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES context initialization
293      * parameter if no explicit value is specified.</p>
294      *
295      * <p><strong>IMPLEMENTATION NOTE</strong> - The default exclude list
296      * defined here will be prepended to any exclude list provided by the
297      * application, with the result that it is not possible to configure
298      * this processor to deliver resources matching these patterns.</p>
299      *
300      * @since 1.0.4
301      */
302     public static final String WEBAPP_RESOURCES_EXCLUDES_DEFAULT =
303             "*.class,*.jsp,*.properties";
306     /***
307      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list
308      * of URL matching patterns for resource identifiers that will be
309      * explicitly included.  If not specified, the value of constant
310      * WEB_RESOURCES_INCLUDES_DEFAULT will be used.</p>
311      *
312      * @since 1.0.4
313      */
314     public static final String WEBAPP_RESOURCES_INCLUDES =
315             "org.apache.shale.remoting.WEB_RESOURCES_INCLUDES";
318     /***
319      * <p>Default value for the WEB_RESOURCES_INCLUDES context initialization
320      * parameter if no explicit value is specified.</p>
321      *
322      * @since 1.0.4
323      */
324     public static final String WEBAPP_RESOURCES_INCLUDES_DEFAULT =
325             "*.css,*.gif,*.html,*.jpg,*.js,*.png,*.txt,*.xml";
328     /***
329      * <p>Context initialization parameter containing a comma-delimited list of
330      * colon-delimited pairs, with each pair representing a URL matching pattern
331      * (such as <code>/foo/*</code> or <code>*.foo</code>) and the fully qualified
332      * class name of a {@link Processor} class to use for handling requests that
333      * match the specified pattern.  If no such parameter is specified, the
334      * default value (<code>/webapp/*:org.apache.shale.remoting.impl.MethodBindingProcessor</code>)
335      * is used.  The {@link Mapping} instance for each pair will be configured
336      * with <code>Mechanism.WEBAPP_RESOURCE</code>.</p>
337      */
338     public static final String WEBAPP_RESOURCES_PARAM =
339             "org.apache.shale.remoting.WEBAPP_RESOURCES";
342 }