Package org.apache.shale.remoting.impl

This package contains default implementations for the APIs specified by Shale remoting support.


Class Summary
AbstractResourceProcessor Convenience abstract base class for Processor implementations that serve up static resources.
ChainContext Implementation of Context suitable for use with commands or chains executed via Shale Remoting.
ChainProcessor Implementation of Processor which maps a resource identifier to the name of a Commons Chain command or chain, in an appropriate catalog.
ClassResourceProcessor Implementation of Processor which serves resources from the class path of the web application.
FilteringProcessor Abstract base class for Processor implementations that filter requests based on matching the resource identifier against a set of includes and excludes regular expressions.
MappingImpl Default implementation of Mapping.
MappingsImpl Default implementation of Mappings.
MethodBindingProcessor Implementation of Processor which maps a resource identifier to a method binding expression, then delegates the creation of the current response to the execution of that method.
WebResourceProcessor Implementation of Processor which serves resources from the web application's static resources.

Package org.apache.shale.remoting.impl Description

This package contains default implementations for the APIs specified by Shale remoting support.

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