2009/05/20 - Apache Shale has been retired.

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Shale Framework Core JSF Components and Tags

Standard Syntax:
     <%@ taglib prefix="s" uri="http://shale.apache.org/core" %>

XML Syntax:
     <anyxmlelement xmlns:s="http://shale.apache.org/core" />

This tag library contains tags for the core JSF components supported by the Shale Framework, plus additional custom tag handlers as required.

Tag Library Information
Display NameShale Framework Core JSF Components and Tags
Short Names

Tag Summary
subviewProvide ViewController support functionality for the nested content (typically a JSP dynamic include) of this component. @deprecated Use the "subview" tag from tag library "http://shale.apache.org/view" (in shale-view-xxx.jar) instead of this tag.
tokenRender a hidden input field whose value is the transaction token for the containing form. The token component must be the last input component child of the parent form to be processed.
commonsValidatorProvides access to Commons Validators. @deprecated Use the "commonsValidator" tag from tag library "http://shale.apache.org/validator" (in shale-validator-xxx.jar) instead of this tag.
validatorScriptGenerates JavaScript required for validation. @deprecated Use the "validatorScript" tag from tag library "http://shale.apache.org/validator" (in shale-validator-xxx.jar) instead of this tag.
validatorVarParameters for specific validators. @deprecated Use the "subview" tag from tag library "http://shale.apache.org/view" (in shale-view-xxx.jar) instead of this tag.

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