Class CommonsValidator

  extended by org.apache.shale.validator.CommonsValidator
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, EventListener, javax.faces.validator.Validator

public class CommonsValidator
extends Object
implements javax.faces.validator.Validator, Serializable

This is a JavaServer Faces Validator that uses Jakarta Commons Validator to perform validation, either on the client side, the server side, or both.

The current implementation is dependent on version 1.3 of Commons Validator. Some new conventions have been adopted for registering a validation rule in the validator's XML configuration file. In the action framework, validation was suited for declaring rules associated with a form. This worked well since generally a single action had the responsibility of handling all the posted form data at once.

However, JSF takes a component based approach. Each component has the responsibility of managing its posted data and rendering its state. In the component based world, it is easier to associate configuration values at that level versus what works best for Struts actions.

In an effort to reuse as much of Commons Validator and provide a method of registering new rules, a new convention was adopted for declaring validation rules.

      <validator name="mask"

The rules declaration is the same but an added form is required to capture extra configuration information. The form is associated with the validation rule using a naming convention. The prefix of the form name is "org.apache.shale.validator.XXXX" where "XXXX" is the validation rule name.

     <form name="org.apache.shale.validator.mask">

The form is followed by a field and the property attribute of the form has the same value as the rule name.

           <field property="mask">

Within the field definition, arg's are used to define the parameters in order for message substitution and method argument value resolution. There are two reserved name values for the arg node used to define messages and parameters.

               <arg position="0" name="message" key="arg" resource="false"/>
               <arg position="1" name="message" key="mask" resource="false"/>
               <arg position="2" name="message" key="submittedValue" resource="false"/>

               <arg position="0" name="parameter" key="submittedValue" resource="false"/>
               <arg position="1" name="parameter" key="mask" resource="false"/>

The "message" name arguments defines the possible MessageFormat parameter substitution where the "position" corresponds to the substitution parameter.

    errors.invalid={0} is invalid.

The "parameter" arguments define the variable names that hold values for the target validatior method identified by the validator rule name. The comma delimited class types in the "methodParms" value list correspond to the parameters by position.


The var node is also used to explicitly define a JavaScript variable type. If not defined, the default is "string". The var-value is ignored because its captured by the shale commons validator instance.

$Id: 481404 2006-12-01 21:29:27Z rahul $

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
          Name of the datePatternStrict in the vars Map.
static String MASK_VARNAME
          Name of the mask property in the vars Map.
          Name of the maxLength property in the vars Map.
static String MAX_VARNAME
          Name of the max property in the vars Map.
          Name of the minLength property in the vars Map.
static String MIN_VARNAME
          Name of the min property in the vars Map.
Fields inherited from interface javax.faces.validator.Validator
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected static Arg[] getArgs(String name, String ruleName)
          Returns validator Arg beans from the configuration file.
 Boolean getClient()
          The getter method for the client property.
protected  String[] getDependencies(String name)
          For a given commons validator rule, returns an array of rule names that are dependent of the name.
 String getErrorMessage(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, ValidatorAction validatorAction, Map localVars)
          Retrieves an error message, using the validator's message combined with the errant value.
 String getFormName()
          Returns the parent's form name.
static String getJsCallbackMnemonic(String ruleName)
          Returns a mnemonic used to build the commons validator javascript call back.
 String getMessage()
          The getter method for the message property.
protected  Object[] getMessageArgs(String ruleName, Map localVars)
          Returns an array of values for message parameter replacement arguments.
 String[] getMethodParamNames(String name)
          Returns an array of parameter names in the target validator's method.
 Boolean getServer()
          The getter method for the server property.
 String getType()
          The getter method for the type property.
 ValidatorAction getValidatorAction()
          Returns the commons validator action associated with the type attribute.
static ValidatorAction getValidatorAction(String name)
          Returns the Commons validator action that's appropriate for the validator with the given name.
 Map getVars()
          Returns a Map of variables that can be passed to a commons validator method or used to create a parameterized error message.
 String getVarType(String varName)
          Returns the JavaScript type for a var collection item.
static boolean isDate(String d, String datePatternStrict)
          A utility method that returns true if the supplied string represents a date.
static boolean isSupplied(String str)
          A utility method that returns true if the supplied string has a length greater than zero.
protected  Class[] loadMethodParamClasses(ValidatorAction validationAction)
          Returns an array of class types corresponding to the the target validation rules method signature.
protected  Object[] loadMethodParamValues(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, ValidatorAction validatorAction, Class[] methodParamClasses)
          Loads an array of method parameter values corresponding to the formal parameter of the target validator's method.
protected  Class loadValidatorClass(ValidatorAction validatorAction)
          Loads the commons validator class containing the target rule.
protected  Method loadValidatorMethod(ValidatorAction validatorAction, Class validatorClass, Class[] methodParamClasses)
          Loads the Method of the validatorClass having using definitions from the validatorAction bean.
 void setArg(String newValue)
          The setter method for the arg property.
 void setClient(Boolean newValue)
          The setter method for the client property.
 void setDatePatternStrict(String newValue)
          The setter method for the datePatternStrict property.
 void setFormName(String formName)
          Sets the validator's owning form name.
 void setMask(String newValue)
          The setter method for the mask property.
 void setMax(String newValue)
          The setter method for the max property.
 void setMaxLength(String newValue)
          The setter method for the maxlength property.
 void setMessage(String newValue)
          The setter method for the message property.
 void setMin(String newValue)
          The setter method for the min property.
 void setMinLength(String newValue)
          The setter method for the minlength property.
 void setServer(Boolean newValue)
          The setter method for the server property.
 void setType(String newValue)
          The setter method for the type property.
 void validate(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, javax.faces.component.UIComponent component, Object value)
          This validate method is called by JSF to verify the component to which the validator is attached.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String MIN_VARNAME

Name of the min property in the vars Map.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MAX_VARNAME

Name of the max property in the vars Map.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MIN_LENGTH_VARNAME

Name of the minLength property in the vars Map.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MAX_LENGTH_VARNAME

Name of the maxLength property in the vars Map.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String MASK_VARNAME

Name of the mask property in the vars Map.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DATE_PATTERN_STRICT_VARNAME

Name of the datePatternStrict in the vars Map.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public CommonsValidator()
Method Detail


public String getFormName()

Returns the parent's form name.

form name the validator is contained in


public void setFormName(String formName)

Sets the validator's owning form name.

formName - The new form name


public Map getVars()

Returns a Map of variables that can be passed to a commons validator method or used to create a parameterized error message. Several of the public properties are contained within the vars collection. These include: arg, min, max, minlength, maxlength, mask, datePatternStrict.

A value paired collection of variables used to invoke a validator method.


public void setType(String newValue)

The setter method for the type property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the type property.


public String getType()

The getter method for the type property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

validation rule to apply


public void setClient(Boolean newValue)

The setter method for the client property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the client property.


public Boolean getClient()

The getter method for the client property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

true if using JavaScript validation


public void setServer(Boolean newValue)

The setter method for the server property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the server property.


public Boolean getServer()

The getter method for the server property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

true if using server side validation


public void setMessage(String newValue)

The setter method for the message property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the message property.


public String getMessage()

The getter method for the message property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

validation message override


public void setArg(String newValue)

The setter method for the arg property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the arg property.


public void setMin(String newValue)

The setter method for the min property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the min property.


public void setMax(String newValue)

The setter method for the max property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the max property.


public void setMinLength(String newValue)

The setter method for the minlength property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the minlength property.


public void setMaxLength(String newValue)

The setter method for the maxlength property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the maxlength property.


public void setMask(String newValue)

The setter method for the mask property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the mask property.


public void setDatePatternStrict(String newValue)

The setter method for the datePatternStrict property. This property is passed through to the Commons Validator.

newValue - The new value for the datePatternStrict property.


protected Object[] getMessageArgs(String ruleName,
                                  Map localVars)

Returns an array of values for message parameter replacement arguments. The list and ordering is determined by a form registered in the common validators XML. The form name and the fields property is tied to the validation rule name by convention. The the arg name attribute is assumed to be "message" for message argument grouping.

ruleName - name of the validation rule
localVars - snapshot of EL vars captured at renderering time and used by the script collector
array of objects used to fill the message


protected Class[] loadMethodParamClasses(ValidatorAction validationAction)
                                  throws ClassNotFoundException

Returns an array of class types corresponding to the the target validation rules method signature. The params are configured by the validator's methodParams attribute.

validationAction - the validators configuration bean populated from the XML file.
an array of class types for the formal parameter list.
ClassNotFoundException - validation rule class not found


public String[] getMethodParamNames(String name)

Returns an array of parameter names in the target validator's method. The parameter names are defined in the validators configuration file under a form and field that correspond to the target rule. The name attribute of the nested arg is assumed to be "parameter".

name - the name of the target validation rule
array of formal parameter names


protected static Arg[] getArgs(String name,
                               String ruleName)

Returns validator Arg beans from the configuration file. The form and field nodes that contain the target arguments have a naming convention to a validation rule. This convention was adopted for JSF validators because the var's of the defining validator is defined by the JSF validator object and not in the config file. The JSF implementation doesn't have a concept of defining global form field characteristics outside of the associated JSF component. But, we needed a place to explicitly declare parameter names and message arguments.

name - the name of the arg name attribute.
ruleName - the name of the validator rule
an array of validator Arg beans.


public String getVarType(String varName)

Returns the JavaScript type for a var collection item. The default is Var.JSTYPE_STRING. The type can be overridden by adding a var node to the field node in the validator configuration file. The var-value is ignored but a value is required for well-formness. The var-jstype and var-name are the only values used. The form and the field the var is nested under has an association with the type.

varName - The name of the target variable
The JavaScript variable type ("string", "int", "regexp")


public static String getJsCallbackMnemonic(String ruleName)

Returns a mnemonic used to build the commons validator javascript call back. This method is invoked from the org.apache.shale.component.ValidatorScript component. The routine looks for an arg with a name of jscallback under a form name and field property corresponding to the rule. If there is not a matching arg found, the ruleName is returned as the default.

ruleName - name of the target rule to invoke
code used to create the javacript call back function


protected Object[] loadMethodParamValues(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                                         ValidatorAction validatorAction,
                                         Class[] methodParamClasses)

Loads an array of method parameter values corresponding to the formal parameter of the target validator's method.

context - faces context
validatorAction - ValidatorAction configuration bean.
methodParamClasses - Class[] of the parameters of the target method.
An array of object valuse for each method parameter.


public static ValidatorAction getValidatorAction(String name)

Returns the Commons validator action that's appropriate for the validator with the given name.

name - The name of the validator
Validator rules config bean


public ValidatorAction getValidatorAction()

Returns the commons validator action associated with the type attribute.

Validator rules config bean


protected String[] getDependencies(String name)

For a given commons validator rule, returns an array of rule names that are dependent of the name. Rule dependencies will be first in the returned array.

name - target validator rule
array of all dependent rules for the target name


public void validate(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                     javax.faces.component.UIComponent component,
                     Object value)

This validate method is called by JSF to verify the component to which the validator is attached.

Specified by:
validate in interface javax.faces.validator.Validator
context - The faces context
component - The component to validate
value - the component's submitted value after the converter applied.


protected Class loadValidatorClass(ValidatorAction validatorAction)
                            throws ClassNotFoundException,

Loads the commons validator class containing the target rule.

validatorAction - the validator rules config bean
the class having the target validation method
ClassNotFoundException - if the specified class cannot be found
InstantiationException - if a new instance cannot be instantiated
IllegalAccessException - if there is no public constructor


protected Method loadValidatorMethod(ValidatorAction validatorAction,
                                     Class validatorClass,
                                     Class[] methodParamClasses)
                              throws NoSuchMethodException

Loads the Method of the validatorClass having using definitions from the validatorAction bean.

validatorAction - The config info bean of the target rule.
validatorClass - The class having the validation method.
methodParamClasses - The method formal parameter class signature.
target commons validator method to invoke.
NoSuchMethodException - if the specified method cannot be found


public String getErrorMessage(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                              ValidatorAction validatorAction,
                              Map localVars)

Retrieves an error message, using the validator's message combined with the errant value.

context - the all knowing faces conext object.
validatorAction - config bean defining the commons validator rule.
localVars - snapshot of EL variables at renderering time; used by client side
the message after parameter substitution.


public static boolean isSupplied(String str)

A utility method that returns true if the supplied string has a length greater than zero.

str - The string
true if not an empty String


public static boolean isDate(String d,
                             String datePatternStrict)

A utility method that returns true if the supplied string represents a date.

d - The string representation of the date.
datePatternStrict - Commons validator property
true if d is a date

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