Uses of Interface

Packages that use Transition

Uses of Transition in org.apache.shale.dialog.basic.config

Classes in org.apache.shale.dialog.basic.config that implement Transition
 class TransitionImpl
          TransitionImpl is a basic implementation of Transition.

Methods in org.apache.shale.dialog.basic.config that return Transition
 Transition DialogImpl.findTransition(String outcome)
          Return the global Transition for the specified logical outcome, if any; otherwise, return null.
 Transition AbstractState.findTransition(String outcome)
          Return the Transition for the specified logical outcome, if any; otherwise, return null.

Methods in org.apache.shale.dialog.basic.config with parameters of type Transition
 void DialogImpl.addTransition(Transition transition)
          Add the specified Transition to the global Transitions associated with this Dialog.
 void AbstractState.addTransition(Transition transition)
          Add the specified Transition to the Transitions owned by this State.
 void DialogImpl.removeTransition(Transition transition)
          Remove the specified Transition from the global Transitions associated with this Dialog, if it is currently registered.
 void AbstractState.removeTransition(Transition transition)
          Remove the specified Transition from the Transitions owned by this State, if it is currently registered.

Uses of Transition in org.apache.shale.dialog.basic.model

Methods in org.apache.shale.dialog.basic.model that return Transition
 Transition State.findTransition(String outcome)
          Return the Transition for the specified logical outcome, if any; otherwise, return null.
 Transition Dialog.findTransition(String outcome)
          Return the global Transition for the specified logical outcome, if any; otherwise, return null.

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